Advancing After Obtaining “a Faith”The Watchtower—1980 | May 1
22. (a) Why is knowledge essential in cultivating self-control? (b) What is the relationship between self-control and endurance?
22 This knowledge serves to restrain us from giving in to sinful passions, becoming immoderate and unbridled in conduct or in other ways becoming guilty of a serious failure to reflect the divine image in attitude, word and action. Yes, knowledge contributes to our having self-control, the capacity to control or bridle one’s person, action or speech. By continuing to exercise self-control, we will have the essential quality of endurance. When subjected to pressures from the world in the form of daily cares, persecution or the allurement of pleasures or material possessions, we will not indulge our desires for a change from our position as slaves of God and Christ but will exercise self-control.
23. (a) How does endurance come about? (b) What is godly devotion, and how does it manifest itself?
23 The inner strength that endurance produces can also help us to resist giving in to sinful passions, compromising when suffering persecution, or becoming preoccupied with daily cares, pleasures or material possessions. This endurance stems from relying on the Most High for strength and guidance. (Compare Philippians 4:12, 13; James 1:2-8.) Godly devotion, or reverentialness, should be added to endurance. Such reverentialness distinguishes the entire life course of a genuine Christian. It manifests itself in a wholesome regard for the Creator and due respect and concern for humans made in God’s image.—1 Tim. 5:4.
Advancing After Obtaining “a Faith”The Watchtower—1980 | May 1
26, 27. What will happen when we supply to our faith the essentials that Peter enumerated?
26 What results when virtue, knowledge, self-control, endurance, godly devotion, brotherly affection and love are added to faith? The apostle Peter answers: “If these things exist in you and overflow, they will prevent you from being either inactive or unfruitful regarding the accurate knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.”—2 Pet. 1:8.
27 Yes, the result is activity and fruitfulness. When we supply to our faith the essentials that the apostle enumerated and make them a part of us to the point of overflowing, we will not be standing still, inactive, dead spiritually. Our spiritual advancement will continue. We will be manifesting the fruitage of a Christlike personality and making expressions about the “good news” to others. With godly qualities lodging in our hearts, being truly a part of us, we will be motivated to think, speak and act in a divinely approved way.—Compare Luke 6:43-45.
Advancing After Obtaining “a Faith”The Watchtower—1980 | May 1
to your virtue knowledge, to your knowledge self-control, to your self-control endurance, to your endurance godly devotion,