Will You Ever Live in a Happy World?The Watchtower—1982 | November 1
“I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea is no more.
Will You Ever Live in a Happy World?The Watchtower—1982 | November 1
The “new heaven” is the heavenly kingdom of Jesus Christ and his 144,000 associate kings and priests. (Romans 8:16, 17; Revelation 14:1-4; 20:4) Instead of a new earthly globe, the “new earth” is a new society of people on this very earth, all of them fully subject to Christ’s kingdom without racial, national or language divisions. (Compare Psalm 96:1.) This will follow the destruction of the present symbolic “heaven” and “earth.” The promised new earthly society will be righteous because, whereas the literal seas will remain, the figurative “sea” of restless, rebellious, ungodly people will exist no longer.