Learn From ‘the Framework of Truth’The Watchtower—2012 | January 15
Learn From ‘the Framework of Truth’
“[You have] the framework of the knowledge and of the truth in the Law.”—ROM. 2:20.
Learn From ‘the Framework of Truth’The Watchtower—2012 | January 15
1. Why should we be interested in understanding the significance of the Mosaic Law?
WERE it not for the inspired writings of the apostle Paul, it would be hard for us to understand the significance of many aspects of the Mosaic Law. In his letter to the Hebrews, for example, he clarifies how Jesus as a “faithful high priest” could once and for all time offer a “propitiatory sacrifice” making it possible for those exercising faith in it to obtain “an everlasting deliverance.” (Heb. 2:17; 9:11, 12) Paul explained that the tabernacle was merely “a shadow of the heavenly things” and that Jesus became the Mediator of “a better covenant” than that mediated by Moses. (Heb. 7:22; 8:1-5) In Paul’s day, such explanations of the Law were invaluable to Christians, and they still are. They help us to grasp more fully the value of the provisions that God has made for us.
2. What advantage did Jewish Christians have over Gentiles?
2 When Paul wrote to Christians in Rome, he directed some of his comments to congregation members who were of Jewish stock and who had been instructed in the Mosaic Law. He acknowledged that because of their familiarity with that divine Law, such ones had the advantage of possessing a “framework of the knowledge and of the truth” concerning Jehovah and his righteous principles. A grasp of that ‘framework of truth’ and heartfelt respect for it enabled Jewish Christians, like faithful Jews before them, to guide, teach, and illuminate those who were in ignorance of the Law that Jehovah had given to his people.—Read Romans 2:17-20.
3. How do we benefit from studying ancient Jewish sacrifices?
3 The framework of truth to which Paul referred is still important in order for us to understand Jehovah’s purposes. The principles behind the Mosaic Law have not lost any significance or value.