This Is the Day of Salvation!The Watchtower—1998 | December 15
For if we were out of our mind, it was for God; if we are sound in mind, it is for you.” (2 Corinthians 5:12, 13)
This Is the Day of Salvation!The Watchtower—1998 | December 15
5 Did not Paul himself boast? Some may have thought so because of what he said about being an apostle. But he had to boast “for God.” He boasted about his credentials as an apostle, so that the Corinthians would not be lost to Jehovah. Paul did this to bring them back to God because false apostles were turning them in the wrong direction. (2 Corinthians 11:16-21; 12:11, 12, 19-21; 13:10) Yet, Paul was not constantly trying to impress everyone with his accomplishments.—Proverbs 21:4.