Mankind’s Problems Soon to End!The Watchtower—2002 | June 15
“To Gather All Things Together Again in the Christ”
God’s purpose, says the apostle, is for what he calls “an administration [or management of affairs] at the full limit of the appointed times.” What does this mean? It means that God has a set time when he will act in such a way as “to gather all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth.” (Ephesians 1:10) Yes, God has set in motion an arrangement to bring everything in heaven and on earth back into harmony under his direct control. Interestingly, regarding the term here rendered ‘to gather together again,’ Bible scholar J. H. Thayer notes: “Bring together again for himself . . . all things and beings (hitherto disunited by sin) into one combined state of fellowship in Christ.”
That points to the need for God to do this in view of how disunity arose in the first place. Early in man’s history, our original parents, Adam and Eve, followed Satan the Devil in rebellion against God. They wanted independence in the form of the right to decide for themselves what was good and what was bad. (Genesis 3:1-5) In line with divine justice, they were expelled from God’s family and lost their fellowship with him. They plunged mankind into imperfection with all the terrible consequences we experience today.—Romans 5:12.
Temporary Permission of Evil
‘Why did God let them do that?’ some might ask. ‘Why did he not simply use his supreme power and enforce his will, thus preventing all the pain and suffering we now experience?’ It may be tempting to think that way. But what would such a use of overwhelming power really prove? Do you admire or approve of anyone who at the first sign of dissent simply crushes all opposition because he has the power to do so? Surely not.
Those rebels did not really challenge God’s almighty power. They more particularly challenged the rightfulness and rightness of his way of ruling. To settle once and for all time the fundamental issues raised, Jehovah has allowed his creatures to run their own affairs without his direct control for a limited time. (Ecclesiastes 3:1; Luke 21:24) When that time is up, he will intervene to re-exercise total control of the earth. By then it will be abundantly clear that his way of ruling is the only way that guarantees lasting peace, happiness, and prosperity to earth’s inhabitants. Then all the world’s oppressors will be removed forever.—Psalm 72:12-14; Daniel 2:44.
Mankind’s Problems Soon to End!The Watchtower—2002 | June 15
His appointed time for direct action to rid the earth of all oppression and injustice lies in the near future. But Jehovah actually began the process of restoration at Pentecost 33 C.E. How? By then starting to gather “the things in the heavens,” those who will rule with Christ in the heavens. These included the Ephesian Christians. (Ephesians 2:4-7) More recently, in our time, Jehovah has been gathering “the things on the earth.” (Ephesians 1:10) Through a global preaching campaign, he is making known to all nations the good news about his Kingdom government in the hands of Jesus Christ. Those who respond are even now being gathered into a place of spiritual protection and healing. (John 10:16) Soon, on a cleansed paradise earth, they will experience complete freedom from all injustice and suffering.—2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 11:18.