“Become Doers of the Word”The Watchtower (Study)—2024 | September
3. How do we benefit when we apply what we read in God’s Word?
3 There are several ways in which we benefit when we “become doers of the word.” For one thing, we know that this is a key step in our pleasing Jehovah. Realizing that makes us happy. (Eccl. 12:13) As we put into practice what we read in God’s inspired Word, we improve our family life and build strong friendships with fellow believers. That has likely proved to be true in your life. Moreover, we avoid many of the problems that come to those who do not follow Jehovah’s ways. Indeed, we agree with King David. After mentioning in song the law, orders, and judgments of Jehovah, he concluded: “In keeping them, there is a large reward.”—Ps. 19:7-11.
4. Why is it a challenge to become doers of God’s Word?
4 Realistically, it is not always easy for us to become doers of God’s Word. We must make time in our busy schedules to read and study the Bible in order to understand what Jehovah wants us to do.