Jehovah—Simply Grand!The Watchtower—1986 | January 1
“For who in the skies can be compared to Jehovah?” asked the psalmist. “Who can resemble Jehovah among the sons of God?” (Psalm 89:6) Not even the firstborn Son who served at creation as His “master worker” can measure up to Jehovah’s degree of greatness. He himself admitted this, saying when on earth as the man Jesus Christ: “The Father is greater than I am.” (John 14:28) And despite being his Father’s “master worker,” he never laid claim to the title of co-Creator. He glorified God as being the one and only Creator.—Compare Genesis 1:26, 27; Proverbs 8:30; and Matthew 19:4.a
Jehovah—Simply Grand!The Watchtower—1986 | January 1
a It is significant that Genesis 1:26, when referring to Jehovah and his “master worker” together, says “let us make,” whereas the next verse Gen. 1:27 uses the word “create” when referring to Jehovah alone. Of this Hebrew word for “create,” “A Dictionary of the Hebrew Old Testament in English and German,” by Koehler and Baumgartner, says: “In the O[ld] T[estament] [this] is a theological term the subject of which is God exclusively.”