We Are “Wonderfully Made”The Watchtower—2007 | June 15
Our Unique Mind
12. What especially sets humans apart from animals?
12 “So, to me how precious your thoughts are! O God, how much does the grand sum of them amount to! Were I to try to count them, they are more than even the grains of sand.” (Psalm 139:17, 18a) Animals too are wonderfully made, and some possess certain senses and abilities that exceed those of humans. But God gave humans mental faculties that far surpass those of any animal. “As similar as we humans are in many ways to other species, we are unique among the earth’s life forms in our ability to use language and thought,” notes one science textbook. “We are also unique in our profound curiosity about ourselves: How are we put together physically? How were we formed?” These are questions that David likewise pondered.
13. (a) How could David meditate on God’s thoughts? (b) How can we follow David’s example?
13 Most important, in contrast with animals, we are unique in our ability to contemplate God’s thoughts.c This special gift is one of the ways that we are made “in God’s image.” (Genesis 1:27) David made good use of this gift. He meditated on the evidence of God’s existence and the good qualities reflected in the earth around him. David also had the early books of the Holy Scriptures, which contain revelations by God about himself and his works. These inspired writings helped David to understand God’s thoughts, personality, and purpose. Meditating on the Scriptures, on creation, and on God’s dealings with him moved David to praise his Maker.
We Are “Wonderfully Made”The Watchtower—2007 | June 15
c The words of David at Psalm 139:18b seem to mean that if he spent all day until he fell asleep at night counting Jehovah’s thoughts, upon awakening in the morning, he would still have more to count.