Creation Declares the Glory of God!The Watchtower—2004 | June 1
7 However, it takes discernment to hear this witness. “There is no speech, and there are no words; no voice on their part is being heard.” Yet, the silent testimony of the heavens is powerful. “Into all the earth their measuring line has gone out, and to the extremity of the productive land their utterances.” (Psalm 19:3, 4) It is as if the heavens sent out ‘measuring lines’ to make sure that their silent witness filled every corner of the earth.
8, 9. What are some outstanding facts regarding the sun?
8 David next describes another wonder of Jehovah’s creation: “In them [the visible heavens] he has set a tent for the sun, and it is like a bridegroom when coming out of his nuptial chamber; it exults as a mighty man does to run in a path. From one extremity of the heavens is its going forth, and its finished circuit is to their other extremities; and there is nothing concealed from its heat.”—Psalm 19:4-6.
Creation Declares the Glory of God!The Watchtower—2004 | June 1
10. (a) How does the sun go in and out of its “tent”? (b) How does it run as “a mighty man”?
10 The psalmist speaks of the sun in figurative language, picturing it as “a mighty man” who runs from one horizon to the other during the day and retires at night in “a tent.” When that mighty star dips below the horizon, from earth’s vantage point, it appears to go into “a tent,” as if to rest. In the morning, it seems to burst out, beaming radiantly “like a bridegroom when coming out of his nuptial chamber.” As a shepherd, David knew the extreme cold of night. (Genesis 31:40) He recalled how the sun’s rays would rapidly warm him and the landscape around him. Clearly, it was not exhausted from its “journey” from east to west but was like “a mighty man,” ready to repeat the journey.