“The Good News Has to Be Preached First”The Watchtower—1988 | January 1
15. (a) What instructions did Jesus give his disciples when he sent them out to preach? (b) How have some Bible commentators explained this?
15 When Jesus sent out his disciples to preach, he also sent them directly to the people. This is seen in his instructions recorded at Matthew 10:1-15, 40-42. In Mt 10 verse 11 he stated: “Into whatever city or village you enter, search out who in it is deserving, and stay there until you leave.” The Jerusalem Bible renders this verse: “Ask for someone trustworthy,” as if the disciples were to ask some prominent or knowledgeable person in the village to find out who had a good reputation and was thus deserving of the message. (See also Weymouth and the King James Version.) And this is the explanation that some Bible commentators give of Mt 10 verse 11.
“The Good News Has to Be Preached First”The Watchtower—1988 | January 1
17. What proves that Jesus’ disciples were not merely calling on worthy persons based on recommendation or appointment?
17 This is seen in Jesus’ words at Matthew 10:14: “Wherever anyone does not take you in or listen to your words, on going out of that house or that city shake the dust off your feet.” Jesus was speaking about his disciples’ making uninvited calls on people to preach to them. True, they would also accept lodging with one of the households that responded to the message. (Matthew 10:11) But the main thing was the preaching work. At Luke 9:6 it is stated: “Then starting out they went through the territory from village to village, declaring the good news and performing cures everywhere.” (See also Luke 10:8, 9.) Deserving ones who received the disciples into their homes as prophets, perhaps giving them “a cup of cold water” or even accommodations, would not lose their reward. They would hear the Kingdom message.—Matthew 10:40-42.