Via Egnatia—A Highway That Aided ExpansionAwake!—1997 | August 22
An important aid to the spread of Christianity in Macedonia was the Via Egnatia, a paved Roman highway. After landing at the seaport of Neapolis (now Kaválla, Greece) at the northern end of the Aegean Sea, the missionaries evidently traveled on that highway to Philippi, the principal city of the district of Macedonia. The road led on to Amphipolis, Apollonia, and Thessalonica, the next stops of Paul and his companions.—Acts 16:11–17:1.
Via Egnatia—A Highway That Aided ExpansionAwake!—1997 | August 22
From Philippi, Paul and his associates moved on along the Via Egnatia through Amphipolis and Apollonia to Thessalonica, a total of some 75 miles [120 km]. (Acts 17:1) To preach the good news in Thessalonica, Paul made use of the Sabbath-day gatherings of the Jews in the local synagogue. Thus some Jews and a multitude of Greeks became believers.—Acts 17:2-4.