AbbaInsight on the Scriptures, Volume 1
The word ʼab·baʼʹ in Aramaic corresponds to the emphatic or definite form of ʼav, literally meaning “the father,” or “O Father.” It was the intimate name used by children for their fathers and combines some of the intimacy of the English word “papa” while retaining the dignity of the word “father,” being both informal and yet respectful. It was, therefore, an endearing form of address rather than a title and was among the first words a child learned to speak.
This Aramaic word appears three times in the Scriptures. It is always in transliterated form in the original Greek and usually is transliterated in English translations. Each time the term is followed immediately by the translation ho pa·terʹ in Greek, which literally means “the father” or, used as the vocative, “O Father.” In each case it is used with reference to the heavenly Father, Jehovah.
AbbaInsight on the Scriptures, Volume 1
The two other occurrences are in Paul’s letters, at Romans 8:15 and Galatians 4:6. In both places the word is used in connection with Christians called to be spirit-begotten sons of God and indicates the intimacy of their relationship with their Father. While they are “slaves to God” and “bought with a price,” yet they are also sons in the house of a loving Father, and they are made positively aware of this status by holy spirit through their Lord Jesus.—Ro 6:22; 1Co 7:23; Ro 8:15; Ga 4:6.
Rather than as just a translation from Aramaic into Greek, some see in the use of both ʼAb·baʼʹ and “Father” together, first, the trust, confidence, and submissiveness of a child, followed by a mature appreciation of the filial relationship and its responsibilities. It seems evident from these texts that, in apostolic times, the Christians made use of the term ʼAb·baʼʹ in their prayers to God.