Should Marriage Be a Lifelong Union?Awake!—2001 | February 8
Ephesians 4:26: “Let the sun not set with you in a provoked state.”a One happily married man believes that this scripture helps him and his wife to resolve disagreements promptly. “If you can’t sleep after a disagreement, something is not right. You cannot allow the problem to continue,” he says. Sometimes he and his wife have talked through problems well into the night. But it works. He adds: “Applying Bible principles has wonderful results.” By doing so, this man and his wife have enjoyed a happy marriage for 42 years.
Should Marriage Be a Lifelong Union?Awake!—2001 | February 8
a According to first-century Middle Eastern timekeeping, the day ends at sunset. Paul was thus encouraging readers to be at peace with others before each day ends.