What Will Help You to Keep Studying the Bible?Enjoy Life Forever!—An Interactive Bible Course
4. Make your Bible study a priority
Sometimes life gets so busy that it seems we do not have enough time to study the Bible. What can help? Read Philippians 1:10, and then discuss these questions:
What do you feel are some of “the more important things” in life?
How can you make your Bible study a priority?
If you fill a bucket with sand and try to add rocks, the rocks will not fit
If you put the rocks in first, you will have room to add most of the sand. Similarly, if you put “the more important things” first in your life, you will be able to accomplish them and still have time for other things
Studying the Bible satisfies our spiritual need—our need to know and worship God. Read Matthew 5:3, and then discuss this question:
How do we benefit when we make study of the Bible a priority?
Choose Entertainment That Pleases JehovahEnjoy Life Forever!—An Interactive Bible Course
4. Use your time wisely
Play the VIDEO, and then discuss the question that follows.
Although the brother in the video was not viewing anything unwholesome, how was his use of leisure time affecting him?
Read Philippians 1:10, and then discuss this question:
How could this verse help us decide how much time we spend on recreation?