We Can Cope With Any Trial!The Watchtower—2005 | June 15
“God’s Undeserved Kindness Expressed in Various Ways”
The apostle Peter notes that Christians are “grieved by various trials.” (1 Peter 1:6) Later in his inspired letter, he states that “God’s undeserved kindness” is “expressed in various ways.” (1 Peter 4:10) The phrase “in various ways” contains a form of the same original Greek word. In commenting on this expression, one Bible scholar notes: “This is a tremendous thought. . . . To speak of the grace [or, undeserved kindness] of God as poikilos means that there is no colour in the human situation which the grace of God cannot match.” He further notes: “There is no possible set of circumstances, no possible crisis, emergency or demand through which the grace of God cannot find a way, and which the grace of God cannot triumphantly deal with and overcome. There is nothing in life with which the grace of God cannot cope. This vivid word poikilos leads our thoughts straight to that many-coloured grace of God which is indeed sufficient for all things.”
Trials Matched by Kindness
According to Peter, one way that God’s undeserved kindness is expressed is through the various ones who make up the Christian congregation. (1 Peter 4:11) Each servant of God has spiritual gifts, or abilities, that may serve as a source of encouragement to those facing trials. (Romans 12:6-8) For instance, some members of the congregation are outstanding Bible teachers. Their insightful words inspire and motivate others to endure. (Nehemiah 8:1-4, 8, 12) Others make regular shepherding visits at the homes of those in need of support. Such visits are occasions for encouragement, a ‘comforting of hearts.’ (Colossians 2:2) When overseers make such faith-strengthening visits, they impart a spiritual gift. (John 21:16) Still others in the congregation are known for warmth, compassion, and tenderness in dealing with fellow believers who are saddened by trials. (Acts 4:36; Romans 12:10; Colossians 3:10) The empathy and active assistance shown by such loving brothers and sisters is a significant expression, or “color,” of God’s undeserved kindness.—Proverbs 12:25; 17:17.
We Can Cope With Any Trial!The Watchtower—2005 | June 15
Yes, whatever is the “color,” or nature, of our trial, there will always be a “color,” or expression, of God’s undeserved kindness that will match it. (James 1:17) Jehovah’s timely and appropriate support provided for his servants—no matter how diverse their temptations or challenges may be—is but one evidence of “the greatly diversified wisdom of God.” (Ephesians 3:10) Do you not agree?