Christian Hospitality in a Divided WorldThe Watchtower—1996 | October 1
“We, therefore, are under obligation to receive such persons hospitably, that we may become fellow workers in the truth.”—3 JOHN 8.
Christian Hospitality in a Divided WorldThe Watchtower—1996 | October 1
3. How can we find true joy and satisfaction?
3 How different things would be if people imitated Jehovah’s way of dealing with others—being kind, generous, hospitable! He made it clear that the secret to true happiness does not lie in our trying to satisfy our own desires. Rather, this is the key: “There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.” (Acts 20:35) To find true joy and satisfaction, we must overcome barriers and divisions that might hem us in. And we must reach out to those who are serving Jehovah along with us. It is essential that we heed the counsel: “We, therefore, are under obligation to receive such persons hospitably, that we may become fellow workers in the truth.” (3 John 8) Showing hospitality to deserving ones, to the extent that our circumstances allow, pays dividends in two ways—it benefits both the givers and the receivers. Who, then, are among the deserving ones whom we should ‘receive hospitably’?