What Is Your Kind of Music?The Watchtower—1983 | January 15
What Is Your Kind of Music?
AN OLD Spanish proverb says: ‘In music and medicine everybody knows a little.’ True, practically anyone can hum, sing or whistle a tune. Yes, music and appreciation for it are among mankind’s natural gifts. The poet Longfellow went so far as to say: “Music is the universal language of mankind.”
Why, man has been exposed to music since his earliest beginnings! Who has not heard the delightful song of a bird? We may well marvel at the torrent of varied notes pouring out of the tiny throat of a canary. Or we may thrill at the versatility of the mockingbird, the simple cry of the cuckoo or the warbling of other splendid feathered songsters.
Even babies respond appreciatively to their favorite lullaby. Indeed, it has recently been shown that human fetuses react to music. By their movements they indicate their comfort or discomfort over what they are hearing.
When Did Musical Instruments Develop?
From the secular standpoint, that question is not easy to answer. The Encyclopædia Britannica states: “The development of musical instruments among ancient high civilizations appears to have been most substantial in Asia and North Africa. . . . The harp was used from early times in Mesopotamia [and] Egypt.”
However, the Bible is specific in saying that Jubal, an early descendant of the first man, Adam, “proved to be the founder of all those who handle the harp and the pipe.” (Genesis 4:21) Either he invented the first string and wind instruments or he founded a profession that gave impetus to the progress of music—and all of that some 5,000 years ago!
Music was an accepted part of patriarchal life after the Flood of Noah’s day. For example, Laban complained to his son-in-law Jacob: “Why did you have to run away secretly . . . and not tell me, that I might send you away with rejoicing and with songs, with tambourine and with harp?”—Genesis 31:27.
Centuries later, for service at God’s temple, there were “four thousand [Levite] givers of praise to Jehovah on the instruments that David said ‘I have made for giving praise.’” (1 Chronicles 23:5) Israel’s King David himself was an accomplished musician on the 10-stringed harp, and he may have designed new musical instruments.—Psalm 144:9; 2 Chronicles 7:6; 29:26, 27; Amos 6:5.
Present-Day Music
Music is perhaps more prevalent today than ever before. There is a proliferation of it through radio, television, records and cassettes. And what enormous variety! There is folk, choral, classical, operatic, jazz, country and western, rhythm and blues, disco, forms of rock music—the list seems endless and is ever changing. As fast as one popular style dies away, another takes its place.
So, what is your kind of music? Does your preference really make a difference? Can it affect your outlook—and your future?
Music—Can It Be a Threat?The Watchtower—1983 | January 15
Music—Can It Be a Threat?
‘HOW could music possibly be a threat?’ you might ask. ‘After all, music is only sound.’ True, but sounds can influence us deeply. Who does not react to a scream in the dead of night? And what about infectious laughter? When one member of an audience laughs outright, the whole crowd often breaks into unrestrained laughter.
Music Has Power
Now turn those sounds into music. Depending on the type of song or music, soon feet will be tapping, bodies swaying, fingers snapping, voices humming. An entire audience can be affected! By what? By the sound of music.
To illustrate: At one time David, mentioned earlier, served as a musician in King Saul’s court. The young man was “skilled at playing” the harp. And his music helped to calm troubled Saul.—1 Samuel 16:18-23.
Music stirs the emotions. A crowd may rise to its feet as a jazz group starts to beat out a familiar tune. Lovers of classical music may be gripped by emotion as they listen to the 1812 Overture by Tchaikovsky. With battles raging, cannons firing and victory bells ringing, they almost imagine they are there. Yes, music has power.
For centuries, politicians and rulers have used that power to sway people’s hearts. In what way? By means of national anthems and patriotic songs. How Hitler and the Nazi party used the anthem Deutschland, Deutschland über alles (Germany, Germany above all else) to lead the masses along a pathway of death and destruction! Curiously, this anthem was based on classical music composed by Haydn. In answer to it, the British fervently sang “God Save the King.” Hitler, for his part, was greatly enamored also by the music of Wagner.
The persuasive power of music was evident also in Bible times. The record in Exodus informs us that while Moses was on Mount Horeb receiving the Law tablets from Jehovah, the Israelites became impatient and ordered Moses’ brother Aaron to make for them another god—a molten statue of a calf. Then they offered sacrifices to this idol in a religious festival. And what next? “The people sat down to eat and drink. Then they got up to have a good time.”—Exodus 32:1-6.
When Moses and Joshua descended from the mountain, they heard a shouting in the Israelite camp. Joshua thought it was the noise of battle. But Moses interpreted the sound correctly. It was singing, not about a mighty battle performance or defeat. It was “the sound of other singing.” Moses could tell by the unusual sound that the music had a sinister connection. What was it? The people were singing and dancing around the golden calf. They were participating in unrestrained idolatry along with song and dance. Music was prominent in their false, immoral worship.—Exodus 32:7-25.
That event provides some lessons for Christians today. For one thing, music can affect you. The modern world is very much music oriented. But should raucous music and other popular music, with sexual overtones conducive to loose morals, be featured at gatherings of Jehovah’s Witnesses? Never should that be! During recent years, however, even with some elders and parents condoning it, there has been a tendency to be lax in this respect. Some of this music has exalted immorality, rebellion, drugs and even spiritism.
Does this mean that music in itself is necessarily a negative influence? Not at all. As mentioned above, music was used in the sacred worship of Jehovah. And Jesus, in his illustration of the return of the prodigal son, spoke of the father’s celebrating with “a music concert and dancing.”—Luke 15:25.
Can Music Convey a Philosophy?
In our modern times music plays a much more insistent role in daily living. Over the last few decades, a vast world industry has mushroomed, churning out hundreds of millions of records and cassettes every year. Whereas a hundred years ago listening to live performances or active participation therein was the only exposure to music, and that infrequently, today the hearing of music is a daily experience. So the question is pertinent—can music convey a philosophy? Can music influence a person’s thinking or life-style?
An immediate clue is found in radio and television advertising. Many commercial advertisements are accompanied by music. Thus, with the aid of music, the product’s name is engraved on minds—even those of children and infants.
In ancient Israel, music was used in a similar way but for a far more noble purpose. The psalms were sung to music, which doubtlessly aided the people in memorizing the text. For example, the Bible record tells us that, at the inauguration of Solomon’s temple, the Levite singers were gathered and also others “with cymbals and with stringed instruments and harps . . . and along with them priests to the number of a hundred and twenty sounding the trumpets; and . . . the trumpeters and the singers were as one in causing one sound to be heard in praising and thanking Jehovah.” Here, music was inspirational and upbuilding. It served to praise Jehovah.—2 Chronicles 5:12, 13.
Likely, on that occasion they were singing and playing Psalm 136, and the music would certainly help them to recall the words. This illustrates the point—that music can convey a message. It can also be the vehicle for advocating a product or a philosophy, or for recommending a life-style, whether the music is accompanied by words or not. This is true today whether we speak of classical or modern music idioms.
For example, the Encyclopædia Britannica, in its biography of Ludwig van Beethoven, “widely regarded as the greatest composer who ever lived,” states: “He revealed more vividly than any of his predecessors the power of music to convey a philosophy of life without the aid of a spoken text.” His universally known Pastoral Symphony is an example of this. It clearly transmits Beethoven’s love for nature. Yes, music can move us and affect our emotions.
Take as another example the works of the Austrian composer Gustav Mahler, now in vogue among classical music lovers. One musicologist speaks of this composer’s “obsession with death” and describes “the unremitting quest to discover some meaning in life that was to pervade Mahler’s life and music.” Speaking of his Symphony No. 1, the writer describes its contents, saying: “The joy of life becomes clouded over by an obsession with death.” He goes on to say: “Symphony No. 2 begins with the death obsession . . . and culminates in an avowal of the Christian belief in immortality. . . . The religious element in these works is highly significant.” So now the question arises, Could Mahler’s religious confusion, obsessions and neurosis affect the listener?
Another case is that of Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring. This ballet music represents a pagan rite in which a young virgin dances herself to death to propitiate the god of spring. This rite, as one commentator wrote, “is here expressed in music whose most immediately striking characteristic is its rhythmic power—the hypnotic, compulsive force of rhythmic patterns.” The effect is startling and perhaps disquieting. In fact, “it was calculated to overthrow European certainties about musical tradition.”
So, even classical music should make you pause and ask yourself, Will excessive exposure to a certain type of music tend to depress me or overexcite me? Will the composer’s philosophy creep through and perhaps affect my thinking negatively? Of course, if his music does not undermine faith in the Creator and in His great works, the composer’s influence may turn out to be neutral or even very positive. Then again, it is possible to listen to music without ever knowing what the composer had in mind. In that case the meaning, if any, will depend entirely on the listener’s imagination.
Now, can these criteria be applied to modern music? Is modern music upbuilding or debasing? Could it represent a threat to Christian morality and spirituality? Our next article will analyze these and other issues.
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Music can be used for sinister ends
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Is All Their Music Upbuilding?
Modern Trends in Music—Can They Sway You?The Watchtower—1983 | January 15
Modern Trends in Music—Can They Sway You?
NOW what about modern music—rock, punk, funk, rhythm and blues, country and western and all the other diverse trends that proliferate today? Can they, with or without lyrics, influence your way of thinking or undermine your spirituality?
Bill Mullane, former rock musician from New Jersey, U.S.A., explained it this way: “When I was playing bass guitar in a rock group the whole effect was physical. The insistent rampaging beat and the aggressive style just got through to you. As a musician I became a part of it. Then, as I watched the audience respond and get swept along with the same primitive urges, I wanted to affect them more. It’s that kind of sound. It grabs you. Of course, at that time I was often under the influence of drugs, even as many in the audience were. So the euphoria grows. You know, it’s like casting off all restraint. You can go wild and forget your inhibitions.
“That’s why I think the young people go for many of the different sounds coming out these days. They identify with them and their message. Looking back I can see that it reflects the way they feel about the world and modern life. After all, a nuclear threat hangs over mankind. Who knows how long we may live? So they adopt the attitude of ‘Live while you can. Get out of life all you can.’”
That comment about identification leads us to the crux of the matter. (Compare 1 Corinthians 15:32.) Should a genuine Christian want to identify with most of the trends in modern music? Recently the Toronto Star, a Canadian newspaper, reported: “Sex and sadism merge in the Tubes [San Francisco rock group] concert.” The writer went on to comment: “What is social satire to The Tubes may be just plain sado-masochism, sex in bondage, profanity and perversion to anybody else.” What can Christianity have in common with that?
The New York Post carried an article entitled “Satanic World of the Rolling Stones.” It was a full-page résumé of that group’s involvement in drugs. The Rolling Stones’ attitudes on drugs, sex and Satan come through loud and clear in their music. Can you harmonize with such attitudes and still identify with Christ?—2 Corinthians 6:14, 15.
Music and Spiritism
Unfortunately, these are not the only dangers in much modern music that the conscientious Christian must take into account. The apostle Paul urged Christians: “Put on the complete suit of armor from God that you may be able to stand firm against the machinations [“crafty acts,” The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures] of the Devil; because we have a wrestling . . . against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:11, 12) We should never take this warning too lightly. Demonic influence is rampant, and what better way is there to dupe people, especially the up-and-coming generation, than through music?
It now turns out that many modern groups are deeply involved in spiritism and occult practices. Others try to promote Oriental religion and philosophy through their music. For example:
Robert Palmer, a jazz critic writing for The New York Times under the heading “Witchery Pervades a Jazz Album,” commented about the black jazz group called The Art Ensemble of Chicago, stating: “The Art Ensemble of Chicago’s slogan is ‘Great Black Music—Ancient to the Future’ . . . But there is more than one sort of blackness here. There is . . . the blackness of voodoo spells cast in the dead of night. It isn’t exactly a malevolent blackness, but this is not the sort of record one would put on at even the wildest party. . . . It is a phantasmagorical expedition into the heart of darkness.” As a disciple of Christ would you want that type of music in your collection?
In view of what Paul said to the Ephesian Christians about wicked spirit forces, would it be reasonable for a modern-day Christian to have records in his personal collection that exalt demonism and spiritism? If he knows that some groups are deeply involved in occult studies and practices, would it be safe to assume that none of that influence would creep through into the lyrics, the beat or even the record-album cover?
For example, one group plays a piece called “Mr. Crowley.” Who is Mr. Crowley? A 20th-century satanist and promoter of modern witchcraft! In many cases, one look at the album cover should be enough for a Christian witness of Jehovah to decide whether to buy the record or not, especially when there are portrayals of witchcraft and demonism, or symbols of paganism and the occult.
Former nightclub performer Gordon Grant, who once earned his living playing jazz and then rock in Los Angeles, U.S.A., stated: “All the groups that I was associated with were to some degree into spiritism. The opening gambit when you met someone new was ‘What’s your sign?’ They took astrology seriously and your zodiac sign was important.” Do you want to be identified with astrology and other demonic practices?—Deuteronomy 18:10-13.
Music and Immorality
The apostle Paul gave more straight counsel in his letter to the Ephesians that applies equally today and in the realm of music. He exhorted: “Let fornication and uncleanness of every sort or greediness [including sexual greediness] not even be mentioned among you, just as it befits holy people; neither shameful conduct . . . nor obscene jesting.”—Ephesians 5:3-5.
You parents and young people: Have you checked the lyrics of some of the discs that are on sale—or that are perhaps already in your home? Maybe you think the music is catchy, or perhaps it has a beat that you like. At first you do not worry about the words and soon you find yourself humming the melody. Even some skating rinks are featuring this type of music. Would it be proper for Jehovah’s Witnesses to be skating around, joining in with the music? ‘But where is the danger in this?’ you might ask.
In their music, popular groups are putting across fornication and drugs as a way of life. Yes, their music conveys their life-style. “I wanna see what you’re like in bed” and “She’s hot, she’s sexy,” are lyrics from one recent album. One famous singer expresses his point of view right on the album cover, in saying: “I can’t see anything wrong with sex between consenting anybodies. . . . I don’t believe in overly moralistic philosophies.” What possible meeting of the minds can there be between true Christians and the attitudes manifested in such lyrics and philosophy? Should Christ’s followers be identifying with this ‘alienated thinking’?—Ephesians 4:18; compare Genesis 39:7-12.
Music and the Older Generation
It is easy for the older generation to think that all of this applies only to the younger people and their music. But what about the song hits of 20 and 30 years ago that nostalgics still enjoy? “Big Spender” portrayed a prostitute trying to “hook” a client. “Fever” was a thinly disguised description of intense sexual desire. “Never on Sunday” was also a prostitute’s song. How many at that time enjoyed such melodies, without giving thought to their connections?
We could continue to give examples that show the subtlety of Satan’s crafty schemes in getting us to entertain, through music, debased thoughts and philosophies that we would normally reject immediately. What does this illustrate? That all of us, young and old, need to take a serious look at the kind of music we have been enjoying. Without even realizing it we may have been identifying ourselves with this world’s “low sink of debauchery.”—1 Peter 4:4.
There is food for thought here for every Christian—whether an elder in a congregation, a parent, a young person or a child. Limitations of space prevent us from presenting all the available evidence regarding the degrading effects of some “serious” and modern music idioms. But every conscientious Christian would do well to examine his tastes in music and also whatever record collection he may have, and act in harmony with sound Scriptural reasoning.
What Can a Christian Do?
When Paul preached in Ephesus his ministry was so successful that many practicers of the occult accepted Christianity and took action to safeguard their future spirituality. The record says: “Indeed, quite a number of those who practiced magical arts brought their [spiritistic] books together and burned them up before everybody. And they calculated together the prices of them and found them worth fifty thousand pieces of silver. Thus in a mighty way the word of Jehovah kept growing and prevailing.”—Acts 19:18-20.
Will Jehovah’s Word keep growing and prevailing in your case? If it is necessary, will you take action so that you can be considered a worthy member of Jehovah’s “holy people”? (Ephesians 5:3) Recently, when this issue was placed squarely before one large group of full-time servants of Jehovah, several trash cans full of albums were turned in and destroyed simply because of their immoral content, demonic tendency or advocacy of this world’s degraded life-style. The important factor was not their value in monetary terms but their possible detrimental effect on spiritual values.
Some may feel that we should be more specific about certain modern groups or types of music. However, the apostle Paul says: “Solid food belongs to mature people, to those who through use have their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong.” (Hebrews 5:14) The mature Christian, by exercising his Bible-trained conscience, should have no difficulty in discerning which types of music are acceptable. Jehovah’s Witnesses do not require a talmudic list of prohibitions to guide their conduct or an “Index” of forbidden music. Let each one use discernment as he seeks to please his heavenly Father in all things, including his choice of music.—Ephesians 5:18-20; Philippians 1:9-11.