Gathering People Out of All LanguagesKingdom Ministry—2002 | July
Gathering People Out of All Languages
1 God’s Word is being fulfilled! People “out of all the languages of the nations” are embracing true worship. (Zech. 8:23) How are Jehovah’s Witnesses helping individuals of all ‘tribes, peoples, and tongues’ to come into a clean standing before Jehovah, with the prospect of surviving “the great tribulation”?—Rev. 7:9, 14.
2 God’s Organization Responds: The Governing Body has arranged for Bible literature to be made available in some 380 languages so that people in all the earth can understand clearly the import of the good news. Preparing and publishing literature in so many languages is a vast undertaking. It involves assembling teams of qualified translators and providing them with the support they need to translate our literature into all these languages, as well as printing and shipping the material. The key role, however, is played by the individual Kingdom publishers, who bring the Bible’s lifesaving message to the people.
3 Accepting the Challenge: Sizable foreign-language populations are now found in many places. To reach these people with the good news, more and more of God’s servants are endeavoring to learn Chinese, Russian, Spanish, or some other language common in their area. Others are learning American Sign Language. In the United States alone, there are some 2,900 congregations and 240 groups preaching in 38 languages other than English. Some who never heard of Jehovah or knew nothing about the Bible are accepting the truth of God’s Word.—Rom. 15:21.
4 Could we exert ourselves more fully in declaring the good news to people in our territory who are from another culture? (Col. 1:25) Many congregations are organizing the preaching work in the local foreign community. Publishers first learn enough of the language to give a simple presentation, such as: “Hello. Here is good news for you. [Then offer a tract or brochure available in that language.] Good-bye.” Jehovah is truly blessing such small beginnings!
5 The Kingdom message appeals to people of all backgrounds and languages. Let us seize the opportunity to share it with them.
New Circuit Assembly ProgramKingdom Ministry—2002 | July
New Circuit Assembly Program
1 To stand firm in the faith in an unstable world, we must trust in Jehovah. What does this mean in practical terms? How does trusting in Jehovah affect our personal and family life? How does it help us resist the influence of Satan’s world? The circuit assembly program for the 2003 service year answers these questions. Its theme is “Trust in Jehovah and Do Good.”—Ps. 37:3.
2 Our trust in Jehovah is not reserved for special occasions or times of dire need. It permeates our daily lives. This is emphasized in the opening talk, “Trust in Jehovah at All Times.” (Ps. 62:8) The four-part symposium “Manifesting Trust in Jehovah” will show us how to find and apply Bible-based information that can help us to build a successful marriage, to handle problems that arise in the family circle, and to meet our material needs.
3 Satan’s world tries to foist on us a twisted view of what is right and wrong and cause confusion as to what is important and unimportant. (Isa. 5:20) The talks “Guard Against the Vanities of Life” and “Shun the Bad—Be Doers of Good” will reinforce our resolve to uphold Jehovah’s lofty standards.—Amos 5:14.
4 When Jehovah brings an end to the present wicked system of things, God’s servants will need to trust in him fully. This is highlighted in the public address, “Deliverance From World Distress Is Near.” After that, we will be invited to examine ourselves in the part “Will You Be Counted Worthy of the Kingdom of God?” The program concludes with an exhortation to “Trust in Jehovah’s Promises.”
5 A highlight of every assembly is the baptism talk. Any who wish to be baptized should tell the presiding overseer as soon as possible so that the necessary arrangements can be made.
6 In these uncertain times, Jehovah is the only real source of confidence and stability. (Ps. 118:8, 9) May all of us strengthen our trust in him by being present for the entire circuit assembly program.