(See also National Anthems; Pledge of Allegiance)
(Note centered headings below: List by Place; Quotations)
Bible view: w02 9/15 21-22; pe 214-215; rs 274
comments about Witness’ stand:
Argentina: jv 672
Catholic author: w05 4/1 18
United States: jv 672
compared to emperor worship: jv 673; rs 275
compared to Nebuchadnezzar’s gold image (Da 3): w05 4/1 18; lr 143-146; dp 81
discussion: jv 669-673; rs 274-275
13-year-old girl explains stand: w97 10/1 9
class report explaining Witness stand: w16.06 5; g96 1/8 31; g96 8/22 30
from compromise to firm stand: w09 10/15 22-23
religious nature: ed 23; lr 146; w02 9/15 22; jv 669; rs 274-275
understanding clarified (1935): w06 2/15 29
Witness view: ijwfq article 64; ed 20, 23-24; lv 212-213; w10 12/15 5; w02 9/15 23-24; g94 1/8 22; jv 196-198, 669, 672-673; g93 7/22 13, 17; g88 6/8 22; g87 10/22 26
List by Place
Witnesses in school: kr 154-155
Brazil: rs 275
Costa Rica:
Witnesses in school: jv 671; yb88 234-235
Witness parents of children in school: jv 671-672
Haiti: yb94 157-158
Witnesses in school: yb94 149
Honduras: yb93 162-163
Liberia: jv 671
Witnesses in school: yb95 234-236
Papua New Guinea:
Witnesses in school: yb11 143-145
Witnesses in school: jv 671
supreme court defeat (1959): yb03 233-234; jv 671
Supreme Court victory (1993): kr 155-156; yb03 234-235; w98 12/1 22; yb94 58; g94 1/8 22-23
Witnesses in school: jv 671
Witnesses in school: yb91 237-239
United States: jv 669-672
life story “The Courage to Put God First”: g93 7/22 12-17
student presentations on Witness cases: g91 12/8 24
Supreme Court (1940, 1943): kr 154; jv 197, 670, 684-688; g93 7/22 15-16; g91 12/8 22-24; g88 6/8 23-24; g87 10/22 27
Witnesses in school: kr 154; w10 9/15 4; jv 196-197, 669-672; g93 7/22 13-16; g88 6/8 22-24; w87 6/1 21-23; g87 10/22 26-27
Zambia: yb06 231, 234-235, 238
high time that we came to our senses. Witnesses are not disloyal Americans: jv 672
that these daily rituals are religious has been at last affirmed by the Supreme Court: lv 213; rs 274