(See also Biology; Book of Life; Double Life; Immortality; Immortality of the Soul; Life Everlasting; Life Force; Life Span; Longevity; Spontaneous Generation)
(Note centered heading below: Quotations)
after COVID-19: mrt article 39
afterlife beliefs: wp17.4 3; g 6/14 8-9; w01 7/15 3; w00 10/1 3; w99 4/1 9-14; ie 3-18; w96 10/15 3; w90 9/1 3-6
Christendom: w98 7/1 8-11
efforts to prove: g 12/07 4
Egypt (ancient): it-1 691; g05 12/8 22-24; ie 6
reflected in ancient tombs: g05 12/8 20-24
various peoples: wp17.4 3; w90 9/1 3; g89 9/22 14-15
various religions: w99 4/1 9-10; ie 3-4
animal cycle compared to human: w97 2/15 10-11
“anxieties of life” (Lu 21:34): w88 10/15 5-6
appreciation for life: w23.02 20-25; lff lesson 38; mwb20.08 8; w95 1/15 5; w92 8/1 4-7
video Song 141—The Miracle of Life: lff lesson 38
artificial life support: w12 12/15 15-16
“bag of life” (1Sa 25:29): it-1 242; it-2 252
balance in life: w89 7/15 10-15
“bath that brought us to life” (Tit 3:5): w91 7/15 12
best way of: mwb24.09 10
blood represents: lvs 90-91; lv 74-77; hb 3-4
blood’s role in saving: w91 6/15 8-13; hb 2-31
body intrinsic to: it-2 246
“book of life”: ijwbq article 55; w22.09 14-19; it-1 356; it-2 468; w95 4/15 19-20
Revelation 3:5: it-2 251; re 56-58; w87 9/1 29
Revelation 20:15: it-2 251; w09 2/15 5; re 300; w87 9/1 29
“bread of life” (Joh 6:35, 48): w24.12 7; it-1 364; w14 6/1 8-9
“breath of life” (Ge 2:7): it-2 246, 509-510, 1005-1006, 1024-1025
“came to life and ruled” (Re 20:4): re 289
changes in life: w22.03 17; w10 3/15 3-6; w04 4/1 14-19
“Chief Agent of life” (Ac 3:15): it-2 60-61; nwt 1695
choices in life: w22.01 27; w15 9/15 7; w09 11/1 31; g03 10/22 28; w98 11/1 13-18
“come to life” (Re 20:5): w22.05 19; re 290; kl 187, 190; pe 181-182; rs 338-339
controlling one’s life: g 7/15 3-7
coping with bad circumstances: g 7/15 4; w04 6/1 20-23
coping with hectic pace: g01 2/8 3-11; g87 2/22 3-9
coping with uncertainty: w23.04 14-19; w04 2/1 28-31
‘count days with heart of wisdom’ (Ps 90:12): w06 7/15 13; w05 5/1 32
“crown of life” (Re 2:10): it-1 598; re 38
discernment and course in life: w15 2/15 13-14; w97 3/15 14-16
discussion: it-2 245-252; rs 243-248
disregard for one’s own life: w95 1/15 3; rs 106, 109-111
earth designed for life: g21.3 5; w20.05 20, 22; ph 21-22; g 2/09 3-9; w08 9/1 27-28; w07 2/15 4-7; g00 10/8 8-9; g00 11/22 11-12; ct 22-23; g95 4/22 28; rs 116
oceans: w04 9/15 8-9
earth teems with life: lc 10; g 2/09 3; g87 1/22 3
deep underground: g89 4/22 29
effect of extinction of species: g93 1/22 6-8
interdependency: g01 11/22 4
Jehovah’s concern for preservation: g93 1/22 10
number of species of plants and animals: cl 55; w13 10/15 9; g 6/12 28; ct 28; g87 7/8 30
ocean floor: g 7/14 3; g05 10/8 28; g00 11/22 4-6, 8-11
smallest life-forms: g03 1/8 29; g00 11/22 10-11; g90 3/22 29
unknown species: g95 5/22 28
enjoying life: w98 8/15 8
evidence of Creator: lff lesson 6; g21.3 6-7; g 11/11 7-9; lf 5-7; g 11/10 5, 9; w07 8/15 3-7; g 9/06 11-12; la 16; g00 8/22 6-8; g00 10/8 10; w99 6/15 17; ct 28-44
‘fear of Jehovah a well of life’ (Pr 14:27): w05 9/15 13
‘fountain of water of life’ (Re 7:17; 21:6): w22.09 16; w08 9/15 28; re 126-128, 304
gift from God: w23.02 20; bhs 135; bh 125; w92 8/1 3-7
goals in life: w18.12 22; g 2/11 28; w10 11/15 12-16; w09 6/1 5-6; w08 4/15 14-15; yp2 311; w03 1/15 17-18; km 4/99 8; w86 5/1 12-13
contrast between recommendations of Bible and world: tp 126-128
contribution to purpose: g92 4/22 5-7
“normal” life: mrt article 39; w08 7/1 13; w94 12/15 16-17
Greek words: w07 8/1 24
guidance in life: wp24.1 3, 6-16; w17.09 24-25; w12 6/15 30-31
heavenly life: it-2 248-249; w10 2/1 4-5; rs 161-168, 334-336
steps toward: it-1 1065
‘I am the life’ (Joh 14:6): cf 21-22; jy 7; w09 5/15 32
“in himself” (Joh 5:26):
Jesus: w08 4/15 31; w03 9/15 30; w86 2/15 11-12, 19
“in yourselves” (Joh 6:53):
anointed and “other sheep”: w08 4/15 31; w03 9/15 30-31; w86 2/15 19, 30-31
Jehovah’s law “a source of life” (Pr 13:14): w03 9/15 25
Jehovah’s loyal love “better than life” (Ps 63:3): mwb24.07 4; w06 6/1 11; w01 10/15 15-16; w86 10/15 30
joy in life: g 11/13 16; g01 2/8 8-11; w97 2/15 16-17
largest living thing: g01 9/22 29; g93 8/22 28
lengthening one’s life: mwb24.09 8; wp19.3 4-5
“life’s moisture” (Ps 32:4): it-2 251-252
“life that belongs to God” (Eph 4:18): w93 3/1 11
“light of life” (Joh 8:12): w87 4/1 14
link with spiritual need: it-2 247
living a godly life: bh 115-124; kl 118-129
living as “children of God” (1Jo 3:1): w86 7/15 15-20
living for eternal future: w97 8/15 12-17
living for God’s will: w86 7/1 18-23
living for the present: w20.12 9; w07 10/15 3-7
living in harmony with beliefs: scl 17, 21
living in harmony with message: w13 4/15 31
living no longer for ourselves: w05 3/15 10-15
living things with long life: wp19.3 5
love of life: w99 8/15 3-7
making best of life: wp19.3 14-15; w98 8/15 8-9
Bible principles: g19.3 4-13
making one’s days count: w02 11/15 20-23
meaning in life: lff lesson 25; it-2 250; w13 4/1 3-7; w13 6/15 32; w11 7/1 3-9; g 12/08 3-6, 9; w07 11/15 3-7; w05 9/15 9; w04 8/1 29-31; w00 7/15 3-7; w99 6/15 14-19; ct 5-9, 184-191; g93 9/22 11; g87 1/22 10-12
soccer star: ijwcl article 33
meaning of life: ijwbq article 52; g17.3 6-7; g 3/15 4; w14 4/1 2; w08 12/1 31; g 12/08 3-6; g95 5/8 26-27
meaning of term: rs 243
narrow way to life (Mt 7:13, 14): w09 8/1 3-4; w99 4/15 9; w99 10/1 30-31
applies principally to heavenly hope: w90 3/15 31
needs versus wants: w16.07 7; re 73
not regretting use of life in Jehovah’s service: w97 8/15 13
origin: lff lesson 6; g21.3 7; it-2 246; lf 4-7; la 16; ct 28-44; pr 6-8, 12-13; w91 3/1 4-5
comment by Encyclopædia Britannica: g21.3 13
comment by physicist: pr 13
comments by astrophysicist Fred Hoyle: w99 6/15 17; ct 41; g97 5/8 14, 16; g89 3/22 6
convention of biologists in Paris: g89 5/22 28
evolution theory: mrt article 4; g 1/15 4; w11 1/1 6; lf 4-12, 22-23; g 11/10 5, 9; w94 9/1 3
first material form: it-1 528
fitness of universe for: g00 10/8 3-4; ct 13-14, 20; g90 1/22 13-14
gap between living and nonliving things: gm 108
impossibility of reconstructing: g21.3 8
International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life: w87 8/15 30
odds against chance formation: g21.3 7; pc 9-10; ct 41-43; sh 335-336; g90 4/8 7
Pasteur’s experiments: ct 32; g96 12/8 24, 26-27
scientists critical of chance: lf 4-6, 12; g 11/10 5; w08 1/1 16; g 9/06 11-12; w05 2/1 6; la 16; ct 42-43; w94 9/1 32; pr 6-7
scientists supporting creation: wi 6; g92 4/22 4; rs 124
scientists unable to create: rs 121-122
Source: lff lesson 38; bhs 135; bh 125; rs 243-244
theory involving hydrothermal vents in ocean floor: g89 3/8 29
theory of chemical evolution: mrt article 4; g 11/11 7-8; lf 4-6; g02 3/22 26-27; g89 3/8 29; g87 1/22 4-9
theory of origin in outer space: mrt article 4; ct 48
theory of source on Mars: g99 11/22 15
worldly views: w86 4/1 13
outer space: it-1 667; g90 4/8 2-11; rs 247-248
Bible view: g90 4/8 9-11
efforts to contact intelligent life: g02 11/22 28-29
efforts to detect intelligent life: g03 6/8 16-17; g00 8/8 28; g96 12/8 29; g93 5/22 28
not possible in solar system outside earth: w88 1/15 7
‘passing over from death to life’ (Joh 5:24; 1Jo 3:14): it-2 790-791; w08 4/15 30
perfect human life:
loss: ijwbq article 167; it-2 247
restoration: it-2 249-251
preciousness to Jehovah: mwb21.07 7
preexistence: w12 12/1 18-20; ie 23; rs 317-318; g86 6/8 22-23
purpose in life: wp18.1 14-15; g18.1 12-13; w14 4/1 2; w12 11/1 4-5; w07 1/1 7; w07 10/1 16-25; w03 2/15 4-5; w97 2/15 8-18; g92 4/22 5-7
source of joy: w95 1/15 14
purpose of life: lff lesson 25; w15 8/1 16; w15 12/1 4; g 10/15 6; w11 11/1 21; g 12/09 9; w08 2/1 3, 6-7; w08 12/1 31; g 12/08 3-9; w06 10/15 32; w03 5/1 4, 6-7; w99 11/15 5-7; pr 4-6, 20-31; g92 4/22 3-11; pe 69-75; rs 243-245; g89 2/8 26-27
confusion about: w94 3/15 10-11
various views: pr 5-6
realistic view: g 12/12 9
“real life” (1Ti 6:19): bhs 203-204; bh 192-193; w07 10/1 17-18; w99 8/15 4-7; w95 1/15 4-7
respect for gift of life: g24.1 7-9; lff lesson 38; mwb20.08 8; lvs 89-92, 94-99; w17.11 16; bhs 135-144; bh 125-133; lv 74-85; w11 11/1 17; w04 6/15 14-15; g03 6/8 5-6; g02 8/22 8; w97 1/15 21-22; rq 24-25; kl 128; tp 152-162
animal life: bhs 138; bh 128; lv 78
as represented by blood: w23.07 15; lff lesson 39; lvs 90-92; bhs 138-142; bh 128-133; lv 74-77; w04 6/15 14-19; w97 1/15 21; rq 25; w95 1/15 5-7; kl 128-129; tp 161-162
dangerous sports: yp2 264-265; w07 2/15 29; w97 1/15 21; rq 24; g90 7/8 19; w89 12/1 30
life of the unborn: lff lesson 38; lvs 95-96; bhs 137; bh 127; lv 80-81; kl 128; jv 183; g90 10/8 27; g88 4/8 27; g87 4/8 14-15; tp 153-154
limits: tp 162
one’s own life: lff lesson 38; bhs 137-138; bh 127-128; w95 1/15 5-6; g90 9/8 23; tp 155-161
safety precautions: w23.02 21-22; lff lesson 38; lvs 94-95; w17.11 16; bhs 138; bh 128; lv 79-80; w10 4/15 29-31; kl 128
“resurrection of life” (Joh 5:29): w22.09 18, 26; it-2 788-789; wt 87
rich life: mwb25.03 12-13
“river of water of life” (Re 22): ijwbq article 145; it-2 251, 1173; rr 204; w10 2/15 14-15; w09 2/15 5; w08 6/1 14-15; re 310-312, 318; w02 9/15 32; w99 3/1 22; w93 9/1 32; w90 12/15 10-15
“road leading off into life” (Mt 7:14): wp19.3 12-13
sacredness: it-1 344; g00 10/8 19
satisfaction in life: w18.12 24-28; w03 1/15 18-19; la 2-31
scientists’ claims: g95 10/22 10
“scroll of life” (Re 17:8; 20:12): it-2 251, 468; w09 2/15 5; re 248-249, 298-300; wt 87; rs 337; w87 9/1 29
“scroll of life of the Lamb” (Re 13:8; 21:27): it-2 251, 468, 881; w09 2/15 3; re 192, 310
names of worshippers of wild beast excluded (Re 13:8): it-2 468
simplest organism: w93 6/15 13
simplicity in life: w19.04 5-6; w19.08 22; w19.11 17-18; w16.07 10; w16.12 18; mwb16.07 2; lv 58-59; g 9/14 5; w12 7/15 25; g 12/12 8-9; g 1/10 7-9; g05 11/8 6; w03 3/1 20-21; km 6/02 4; w01 3/1 5-6; g01 2/8 9-10; w89 7/15 10-15
experiences: w11 5/15 11-12
soul can mean life: ijwbq article 71; it-2 1006-1007; w07 7/15 4-5; w99 4/1 15
‘spring of water to impart everlasting life’ (Joh 4:14): w24.12 9-10; w09 8/15 9; w08 6/1 14; re 304; w86 5/15 31
staking one’s life on Jehovah’s purposes: w94 3/15 17-20
stream from visionary temple (Eze 47): cl 275-276; rr 152-153, 202-210; w07 8/1 11; w99 3/1 18-22
success in life: w23.09 8-13; mwb21.09 4; w17.07 22-26; g 10/14 2-6; w12 5/1 26-27; w12 12/15 4-8; w11 6/15 29-32; w09 12/1 17; g 11/08 3-9; w07 1/1 3-7; w00 11/1 18-21; w99 4/1 6-7; w99 9/1 19-24
taking life: it-1 344
transmission: it-2 246
trees of life: it-2 250
Genesis 2, 3: it-2 247; nwt 1715; w11 1/1 7-8; w99 4/15 7-8
Revelation 2:7: it-2 250; re 36-37
Revelation 22:2: ijwbq article 145; it-2 250-251; w15 12/15 27; w12 1/15 30; re 312
using, to serve Jehovah: w23.09 8-13; w11 5/15 10-11; yp2 311-317; km 12/98 3-4; w87 8/15 10-15
value of human life: w05 2/1 3-7
cheapened: w05 2/1 3-4; g00 7/8 3-4
comments by survivor of school massacre (2007): w08 9/1 30
greater than material things: w17.07 32
survey on trading one year for money (Germany): g 12/11 28
what is truly important in life: w08 2/1 7; kp 9-11; lr 87-91; w02 11/15 20-21; w96 12/15 9-14
what is valuable in life: w86 6/15 3-4
what makes life worthwhile: w08 4/15 21-25
“wheel of natural life” (Jas 3:6): it-1 906; it-2 475, 1180; w97 11/15 17
when human life actually begins: g 6/09 5-6; g90 10/8 26-27; g87 4/8 6; tp 153
when seemingly unbearable: mwb23.09 10
whether present life is all there is: wp19.3 3-16
why so short: g95 10/22 4-6, 8-9
why so unfair: g86 7/8 24-25
worth living: wp19.2 3-16
appearance of life on earth has become in itself highly improbable: g89 5/22 28
fundamentally implausible that matter and energy organized themselves into living systems: ct 38
how did nonlife make life? Author of Genesis may have had it right: pr 13
man’s search for meaning is a primary force: w99 6/15 15
more have means to live but no meaning to live for: hl section 2
origin of life is still debated: w99 6/15 14
origin of life was a deliberate intellectual act: w99 6/15 17; ct 41
problem of origin turned out much more difficult than people envisioned: ct 35, 38
striving to find meaning in one’s life is the primary motivational force in man: g95 1/22 6; g95 5/8 26; pr 6; g92 4/22 5
the truth is our life: km 12/98 3; km 10/96 1; w86 11/1 22