(Also called the Devil)
(See also Satanism; Satan’s Organization; Serpent)
(Note centered headings below: Characteristics and Qualities; Quotations)
abyssed: ijwbq article 115; w22.05 14; it-2 869; w12 9/15 7; re 287-288; ws 171-173
bound with chain: it-1 351-352
Catholic view of release: w89 9/1 12
not on earth: rs 366
possible allusion (Isa 24:21, 22): ip-1 268-270
release from abyss: w22.05 19; w22.09 23-24; it-2 869; rr 230-232; re 291-292, 294-295; tp 53-54; ws 182-183
aims: it-2 1010; rr 7-9; w04 4/15 4-5; kl 55-56, 60; w86 3/1 11-13, 15-17, 20; w86 3/15 11
appearance: ijwbq article 171
belief in Satan: w02 10/15 4-6; w01 9/1 3-4; g89 10/22 8; w88 9/1 3-4
Catholic view: g02 2/22 20; w89 4/15 26-27
Christadelphian view: w90 11/1 6
various religions: w94 2/1 3
Bible’s description: ijwbq article 171
‘brought to nothing’ (Heb 2:14): w93 2/1 6
cast out of heaven: ijwbq article 49; w22.05 5; wp16.6 6; fg 15; re 180-183, 186; sp 10; pe 21-22; w88 5/15 31; ws 27-28
“already fallen like lightning” (Lu 10:18): it-2 255; jy 170-171; w11 9/1 8-9; w08 3/15 31-32; w04 8/1 28; gt chapter 72; w88 7/1 17
‘has a short time’ (Re 12:12): w99 10/1 4
intensification of efforts due to: w22.07 18; kr 22; om 162-163; w87 5/15 16-17; ws 28
when: w09 5/15 18
“deep things of Satan” (Re 2:24): re 51-52
depiction with horns, tail, hooves: ijwbq article 171; it-1 967
destruction of Satan: w22.05 14; g21.1 12; it-2 869; w14 9/15 27; re 292-295
‘tormented forever’ (Re 20:10): rr 234; w08 4/1 22-23; w08 11/1 7; re 293-294; rs 172-173; w88 12/15 4-5; g86 4/22 27
discussion: lff lesson 24; od 191-192; w18.05 22-31; it-2 866-870; wp16.2 16; wp16.6 6; w15 5/15 9-13; w14 11/1 3-7; hl section 8; g 6/13 6-7; w11 9/1 3-9; w10 12/1 5-6; w07 3/15 26-30; g 2/07 12-13; w06 1/15 21-30; w05 11/15 4-7; w02 10/15 3-14; ol 10-11; w01 9/1 4-7; rq 8-9; pe 16-24; rs 361-366; w88 9/1 3-18
for Muslims: rk 24-25
dispute with Michael over Moses’ body: cf 28-29; it-2 439; w15 2/15 6
dragon (Re 12): ijwbq article 171; w22.05 14; it-1 649; it-2 869; w15 5/15 10; w01 9/1 6; w89 4/1 20; w86 2/1 4-5
abyssed (Re 20:1-3): w22.05 14; re 287-288, 291
“drags a third of the stars of heaven” and hurls them to earth (Re 12:4): w18.05 23; re 178-179
gives authority to wild beast (Re 13:2): it-2 1098; re 187-189, 227-228
“hurled into the lake of fire” (Re 20:10): w22.05 14; re 292-295
“persecuted the woman” (Re 12:13): re 183-184
“seven diadems” (Re 12:3): re 178
“seven heads” (Re 12:3): it-1 1051; re 178
“spewed out water like a river” (Re 12:15): w22.05 6-7; kr 150-151; re 184-186
“standing before the woman” (Re 12:4): re 178-179
war in heaven (Re 12:7-12): ijwbq article 49; w22.05 5; it-2 1168; re 180-183
‘war with remaining ones of woman’s offspring [seed]’ (Re 12:17): w22.05 5-6; it-2 1168, 1198; re 185-186; w88 10/15 15-18; ws 28
Eden: lff lesson 26; w18.05 22; it-2 867, 1010-1011; rr 9-10; w16.08 9; w05 11/15 4-5; sp 8; kl 56-57, 73-74; pe 20; w86 5/1 11; w86 8/1 11-12; tp 48-49; ws 8-9
account not mythical: w11 1/1 8; w89 8/1 22-24
appeal to Eve: cl 278; w20.06 4-5; it-2 963, 1010-1011; w17.02 5; bhs 65-66; w14 9/15 24; bh 61-62; lv 192; w13 8/15 24-26; w11 1/1 12; w11 5/15 16-17; bm 5; w04 9/1 14-15; w01 7/1 19; la 22-23; w99 4/15 16-17; w95 9/1 8; w94 4/1 10-12
how serpent communicated: w01 11/15 27
Jehovah’s feelings: w24.02 8
Jehovah’s name profaned: it-2 16
no claim of soul’s immortality: w19.12 15; w89 3/15 20
Satan’s possible reasoning: w23.11 6-7; it-2 1011
whether serpent had legs: w07 6/15 31
efforts to destroy Jehovah’s organization: re 183-186; ws 145
efforts to divide Jehovah’s people: rr 133
efforts to separate us from Jehovah: w22.11 14-19
exorcism permitted by Satan: it-2 1029
exposure: w18.05 22-23; w07 6/1 5-6; w88 9/1 8-18
by Jesus’ integrity: w90 1/15 15
limited in Hebrew Scriptures: w18.05 22-23; kr 35; w88 9/1 10-12
false worship all goes to Satan: w90 12/1 5-6
final attack after Millennium: w22.05 19; rr 232-234; re 291-295; w87 1/1 27-28; tp 53-54; ws 182-184
‘handing person over to’ (1Co 5:5; 1Ti 1:20): it-2 869-870; w08 7/15 26-27; w06 11/15 27
has “means to cause death” (Heb 2:14): w15 5/15 10; w11 3/15 25; w08 10/15 31-32; w06 1/15 27; w03 7/1 30; w99 9/1 5
identified: od 191; g 2/07 12-13; kl 55-56; rs 361
influence on human governments: w18.05 23; it-1 991; it-2 826; w12 5/1 6-7; w11 9/1 7-8; w90 11/1 13-15; rs 153, 364-365
counterfeit theocracies: g90 12/22 21-23
gives authority to wild beast (Re 13:2): re 187-189, 227-228; wt 71
hidden cause of war: g91 12/8 11; w90 4/1 6; g89 6/8 9; w88 9/1 6-7; g86 2/8 7-8
leads nations to Armageddon: re 230-233; rs 48-49
through demon associates: w11 9/1 7-8
issues raised: cl 139; w06 2/15 16-17; w03 1/15 4; w02 10/1 5-7; w02 10/15 7; dg 13-14; w94 2/1 4-5; w93 1/1 4-5; wi 16-17; w91 2/15 11; w90 1/15 15; pe 20-21; rs 363-364, 428-429; g87 10/8 7-8; Lmn 15-16
answered by Jesus: cf 64, 174-175; cl 143-145, 151; bhs 55; bh 51; w10 8/15 11; w90 1/15 15-17
God’s truthfulness: w20.06 4; w14 1/1 9; w03 8/1 9
human love for Jehovah: mwb23.09 8
independence from God: w16.05 4; w13 12/1 5-6; w05 11/1 5-6; w04 4/15 5-6; w03 1/15 4-5; w01 10/15 4-5; kl 73, 77; g87 10/8 7-8
integrity: ijwbq article 120; ijwia article 4; cl 123-125; lff lesson 34; w19.02 3-5; it-1 1210; it-2 16, 67, 83, 784, 867, 1011; w16.04 15; bhs 125-127, 129-132; bh 51, 116-117, 119-124; w10 11/15 25-26; w09 4/15 4-7; bm 9; w08 12/15 4-6; w06 8/15 21-22; w06 11/15 4-7; re 182; w03 1/15 4-6; lr 208-211; wt 51; ct 173-175; kl 73-78; jv 12, 18; w92 9/15 6; si 96-100; pe 105-111; w86 3/1 10-20; w86 8/1 15-16; tp 50-54
sanctification of Jehovah’s name: w23.08 18-19; lff lesson 26; w20.06 3
universal sovereignty: cl 120-121, 123; it-1 1210; it-2 16, 67, 83, 867, 1009-1012; rr 9-10; w17.06 22-23; w15 11/15 17-18; bhs 31-33, 118-119, 122-123; bh 29-31, 109-111; w10 1/15 24-32; w10 11/15 25; w07 9/15 5-6; g 11/07 19-20; w06 8/15 21-22; jd 33; g 11/06 6; w04 8/15 13; kp 15; wt 50-51; kl 73-79; w94 4/1 11; jv 10-12, 18; w91 3/1 3-7; si 100; pe 100-104; tp 44-54; g86 2/22 8-11
Jesus attacked by: w07 12/1 28
Jesus tempted by: cf 60-61, 102-103; it-2 167, 868; rr 6-9; lfb 178-179; jy 36; w14 11/1 4; w11 1/15 23-24; w11 5/15 17-18; w09 5/1 26; w07 12/1 26-27; lr 52-56; w02 8/15 11, 26-27; w93 11/15 18-19; gt chapter 13
Matthew’s account chronological: rr 9
offer of kingdoms: ijwbq article 154; w18.05 31; rr 7-8; w16.04 28-29; w15 1/1 5; jy 36; w13 8/15 25; w10 4/15 22-23; w01 10/15 5-6; gt chapter 13; g90 1/8 12-13; pe 16-18
significance of “act of worship”: it-2 1211; rr 7-9; w08 9/15 27; re 228
significance of “if you are a son of God”: rr 6-7
similarity to Eden: w13 8/15 24-27
similarity to modern times: cf 61-62; w08 11/15 29-31; w02 10/15 11-12
tactics: it-2 68
taken to battlement of temple (Mt 4:5; Lu 4:9): w16.03 31-32; w16.06 32
video Another Convenient Time: mwb25.03 7
wilderness of Judea: it-1 335; rr 6
Job tested by: ijwia article 4; w22.06 21-25; w19.02 4-5; it-1 1210; it-2 867; lfb 44-45; bhs 125-127, 133; bh 117, 119; w11 5/15 17; w10 2/15 19-21; w09 4/15 3-6; bm 9; w06 11/15 4-5; lr 208-211; w02 8/15 25, 27-28; kl 73-74; w94 11/15 11-14; si 96; pe 105-111; w86 3/1 11-13, 16
Satan’s conversations with God: w14 11/1 5
whether Jehovah dealt directly with (Job 1, 2): w06 3/15 14; w86 11/1 31
Judas “entered” by: it-2 129-130
limitations: w18.05 26
location of Satan: ijwbq article 49; g 6/13 7
methods of operation on humans: ijwbq article 56; w23.07 15-17; w21.06 14-19; lff lesson 24; w19.01 15-17; w18.05 25-26; it-1 621; lvs 215-221; bhs 129, 134; w14 8/15 22-24; bh 120-121; lv 185-195; w12 8/15 20-29; w09 5/1 20; w05 11/15 5-7; w04 9/15 11-12; w02 8/15 25-28; wt 72-75; w99 4/1 21; rq 8-9; kl 59-61; pe 22-24; w88 9/1 15-17; w88 10/15 18; w86 6/1 14, 19; w86 8/1 10-15
astrology: g89 11/22 8
bad associations: w19.01 15-16
beliefs of superiority: g95 9/8 12-13
blurs people’s view of Jehovah: w19.06 4-5
competitive spirit: w94 3/1 4-5
convincing people of being unloved or worthless: w19.09 23; rr 7; w15 5/15 13; w12 7/1 20; w10 2/15 19-21; w05 8/1 29-30; w05 9/15 26-28; w04 2/15 19-20; w95 4/1 11
convincing people they are too busy: rk 28-29
convincing people they need little spiritual food: w97 4/15 29
deception: w23.07 16-17; w19.06 2-7; w18.10 7-8; lvs 254-255; w15 5/15 12-13; w13 8/15 23-26; w04 2/15 16, 19-20; w86 8/1 10-12, 14
demonism: lvs 216-221
desire of eyes: w86 5/1 11-12
diabolical choices: g89 4/8 17-18
difficulties: w87 5/15 23
discouragement: w14 9/15 14-15; kp 25; w95 1/1 8-9; w90 12/15 19-20; w86 1/15 17
dissatisfaction: w88 9/1 16
distractions: w23.07 17; w05 8/15 16; km 4/94 3-4
division: w92 11/15 22
doubts: cl 278; lvs 217-218; lv 188-189; w10 7/15 13-14; w01 2/1 9-11; w01 7/1 19; w86 3/15 11-12, 14
efforts to divide heart: w20.06 12-13
entertainment: w19.01 16; lvs 218-219; lv 189-190; w11 3/15 9; w07 10/1 28-29; w05 9/1 29-30; w02 10/15 9-11; wt 74
expelling demons: it-2 1029
false religion: w18.05 23-24; w15 5/15 13; w10 11/1 17; wt 72-73
false religious teachings: w89 5/1 22; ti 31
family opposition: rk 28
fantasies: w92 7/15 14-15
fear: w17.07 30; w12 8/15 22-23; w10 7/15 12-15; w07 10/15 12-14
greed: w21.06 17-19
guilt feelings: w12 8/15 23-24; w90 2/15 22-23
human wisdom: w23.07 16; w19.01 17; w19.06 5-6
humiliation: w06 8/1 4-5
incites genocide: w95 1/1 6
independence: w08 6/15 20-21
intimidation: w10 7/15 14
isolation: w10 7/15 12-13
lies about Jehovah: mwb23.09 12; mwb16.04 4
love of world: w06 1/15 24-25
masses of people: g90 1/8 13
materialism: w16.07 8; w12 8/15 25-27; w11 3/15 9-10; w11 7/15 14; w07 10/1 27-28
memories of abuse: w95 1/1 9
misinformation: mwb23.09 9
murder: sp 11-12
persecution: w23.07 15-16; w06 1/15 27-28; w05 8/15 16-17; w95 1/1 5-6
personal differences: w16.05 4; w07 10/1 29-30
portents: it-2 656
pressure to compromise: w18.05 26; w12 8/15 22-23; w99 9/1 5-6
presuming on Jehovah’s undeserved kindness: w90 2/15 23
pride: w21.06 15-17
propaganda: w17.07 27-30; w14 8/15 22; w10 2/15 19-21
return in different guises: w86 6/1 12
ridicule: w22.11 17-19; w05 8/15 16
seduction: it-2 963; w86 8/1 11-14
seductive imagery: w20.06 12
sex: w19.06 4-5; lvs 118-119; lv 97-99; w08 4/15 13-14; w07 10/15 14; wt 73-74; w01 2/1 11-12; w88 9/1 16; w86 1/1 11-14; w86 10/1 11
spiritism: w19.04 20-23; w18.05 25-26; lv 187-191, 194-195; w12 3/1 20-22; g 7/08 10-11; jd 108-110; w05 11/15 6; wt 74-75
spiritual apathy: w16.07 16
subtle pressures: w23.07 16
temptations: cf 61-62; scl 107; lff lesson 41; w20.06 12-13; w14 8/15 23-24; w11 1/15 23-24; w10 7/15 14-15; w08 11/15 29-31; w02 10/15 11-12
truth misapplied: it-2 82; w86 3/1 13
use of afflictions: w06 8/15 21
use of anger: w10 5/15 30; w10 9/15 20; w06 1/15 25
use of natural desires: w19.06 4-6; wt 73-74
use of uncontrolled speech: w12 8/15 20-22
use of unfairness: g86 7/8 25
use of weaknesses or flaws: lv 186-187; w06 8/15 26-27; w05 11/15 6-7; w90 11/1 6-7; w88 9/1 15-16; w86 3/15 15-20
weakening one’s zeal for Jehovah: w12 4/15 16-17
miracles: rs 156-157, 160, 401
misconceptions: ijwbq article 46
aspect of God: w95 11/1 5
principle of evil: ijwbq article 46; w14 11/1 4-5; g 6/13 6; w11 9/1 6-7
servant of God: w11 9/1 5-6
monument to (Spain): g02 7/8 31
names: ijwbq article 46; bhs 208; w10 11/15 25; w06 1/15 21; rq 8; w88 9/1 14
Belial: it-1 281-282
Devil: it-1 621; it-2 867; w15 5/15 9; nwt 1697; w11 7/15 18; w06 1/15 21-22; kl 55; rs 361, 363; w88 9/1 14
not Gog (Eze 38, 39): rr 182-183, 240; w15 5/15 29
not Lucifer (Isa 14:12): ijwbq articles 46, 117; w02 9/15 30
original name: w18.05 22; w07 6/1 4
Satan: w18.05 22-23; it-2 866; nwt 1710; g 2/07 12-13; kl 55; si 100; rs 361-363; w88 9/1 8
“wicked one” (Mt 6:13; 1Jo 5:19): nwt 1716
not being overreached by Satan (2Co 2:10, 11): w06 1/15 29
not blaming Satan for personal problems: w95 2/1 28-29
not blaming Satan for sins: g99 4/22 30; g98 9/8 26-27
not fearing Satan: w18.05 23; lvs 214-215; w14 11/1 6; lv 184-185; w06 1/15 26-27
not ‘following Satan’ (1Ti 5:15): w11 7/15 18-19
not imitating Satan: w06 1/15 21-25
origin: lff lesson 24; it-2 866-867; wp17.5 6; bhs 30; bh 28-29; w13 2/1 16; w11 3/1 21; w11 9/1 4; w07 3/15 26; g 2/07 12-13; w05 11/15 4-5; rq 8; w94 2/1 4; pe 18-20; rs 363; g89 10/22 9; tp 47
defection: it-2 67, 866, 963; w11 3/1 21; w07 6/1 4; lr 48-51; ip-2 69
whether created by God: ijwbq article 48; w14 11/1 2
power: w18.05 23-24, 26; w15 5/15 10; w07 3/15 27-28
prayer for deliverance from (Mt 6:13): ijwbq article 191; w15 6/15 29; g 2/12 13; w10 10/1 8; w09 2/15 18; w06 1/15 28-29; w04 2/1 16-17; w04 9/15 6-7; w90 1/15 5-6; w90 5/15 19-20
proof of existence: w15 5/15 14-15; w14 11/1 3-5; g90 1/8 12-13; w88 9/1 6-7
real person, not abstract force: ijwbq article 46; it-2 866; jy 36; w14 11/1 4-5; w14 12/15 16; g 6/13 6; w11 9/1 4-6; w10 12/1 8; w09 10/1 15; w08 1/15 30; g 2/07 12; w06 1/15 21; w05 11/15 3-5; w02 10/15 3, 6-7; w01 9/1 4-6; w92 12/1 32; wi 13; gt chapter 13; w90 11/1 6; g90 1/8 12-13; w89 4/15 26-27; rs 361-363; g89 10/22 9; w88 9/1 3, 13-14; tp 47-48
rebellion: it-2 757, 1010-1011; bhs 31; bh 29-31; sp 8; w04 4/15 4-5; dg 13-14; ct 117; kl 55-56; tp 47-49; g86 2/22 8-10
Jehovah’s self-control: w17.09 4
judgment precludes future rebellion: w08 4/1 23
reason: it-2 1010; w04 4/15 4-5
resisting Satan: ijwbq article 56; w18.05 27-31; lvs 213-221; lv 183-195; g 6/13 7; w12 5/15 26-27; w10 11/1 17; rk 28-29; w07 6/1 7; w06 1/15 26-30; w05 11/15 7; w02 10/15 8-13; w01 9/1 6-7; w88 9/1 17-18; w87 5/15 16-17
conquering Satan: re 182-183
efforts to cause division: w92 11/15 22-23
fighting back: w15 5/15 14-18; w04 6/1 15-16
“oppose the Devil” (Jas 4:7): g 8/10 21; w08 11/15 27-31; w06 1/15 30; g98 9/8 26-27
pressure to sin: g98 9/8 26-27
“stand firm against” (Eph 6:11): w06 1/15 30; w04 9/15 12-14
sin: ijwbq article 167; it-2 963; w97 7/15 5; kl 55-56; pe 19-20
due to fantasy: w92 7/15 14
“from the beginning” (1Jo 3:8): it-2 963
symbolized by—
big snake (Ps 91:13): w07 10/1 26; w01 11/15 19-20
birdcatcher (Ps 91:3): mwb16.08 3; w07 10/1 26-30; w01 11/15 16
lion (Ps 91:13): w07 10/1 26
“synagogue of Satan” (Re 2:9; 3:9): it-2 626-627; re 38, 60, 62-64; w03 5/15 12; w89 4/1 13-14
teaching children about: lr 48-51
“throne of Satan” (Re 2:13): ijwbq article 49; it-2 608; re 42; w03 5/15 13
view that ransom was paid to: w02 10/15 5; w91 2/15 5, 14
whether cause of illness: w02 8/1 7; w99 9/1 3-7
whether has ability to read minds: lvs 218-219; lv 189-190; w03 6/15 30
why allowed to remain: g 12/10 10-11; rs 363-364, 428-429
worship of Satan: g89 10/22 2-10; w88 9/1 4-6
effect on children: g90 4/8 30; g90 6/22 30
elements in rock music: w89 9/15 30; g89 10/22 10; w88 9/1 6
forms of: w88 9/1 5-6
increasing: w89 9/15 30
links with crime: w88 9/1 4-6; g87 1/8 29
Characteristics and Qualities
accuser: od 191-192; w02 10/15 13-14; w99 4/15 17
guilty of own accusations: w05 9/15 28
Adversary: it-1 54
“angel of light” (2Co 11:14): ijwbq article 171; w04 2/15 4-5; w02 3/1 11
apostate: w09 4/15 5-6; w06 1/15 23
blasphemer: it-1 338
cause of evil: w09 4/15 8-9; w07 6/1 4-6; w06 1/1 5-6
cause of moral breakdown: w90 11/1 6-7
cause of suffering: ijwbq article 21; lff lesson 26; wp18.3 12; bhs 117; bh 108; w03 9/1 9; ct 171-175; w97 10/1 7-8
critical: w99 4/15 16-17
cunning: lv 192-193
deceiver: w19.06 2-7; lvs 254-255; w15 5/15 12-13; w13 8/15 23-26; w04 2/15 16, 19-20
of youths: w12 7/15 13-15; w08 6/15 20-21; w99 11/1 10; w97 12/1 5; w93 4/15 14-15; w86 8/1 10-15
desire for power: g89 10/22 9-10; w86 8/15 3-4
desire for worship: rr 7-9; w09 5/1 20
educator: w07 5/15 14
false god: w95 9/1 8
fatherhood: jy 164; gt chapter 69; w88 5/15 8; ws 162
god of world: it-1 973; g05 4/22 9; w86 4/15 12
hatred of true worshippers: w12 8/15 25; w04 8/15 12-13
haughtiness: w05 10/15 23-24
idolater: it-1 1168; ip-2 69
impotence before Jehovah: it-2 867
liar: mrt article 72; w19.04 21-22; w18.10 6-7; w07 2/1 4-5; w06 1/15 22; sp 8; w03 8/1 9, 13; w01 9/1 5-6
first lie: w20.06 4; mwb20.01 4; w18.10 6-7; it-2 245; g97 2/22 17-18; w94 4/1 10-11
follow-up lies: w94 4/1 12
lies about the dead: w19.04 14-16
manslayer: it-1 597; w11 3/15 25; w06 1/15 22; w01 9/1 6
merciless: w03 4/15 13
murderer: it-2 450, 963; w87 5/15 16
opposition to—
offspring (seed) of woman (Ge 3:15): it-2 867-869
pure worship: rr 9-11
truth: w86 4/1 10-11
“original serpent” (Re 12:9): it-2 898; w15 5/15 9-10; re 10, 287
pride: w15 5/15 15; w07 7/15 8-9; w06 1/15 26; rs 391
“roaring lion” (1Pe 5:8): ijwbq article 171; lvs 213-215, 227; w15 5/15 10-11; lv 183-185, 197; w12 8/15 17-18; w04 9/15 12-13; g99 1/22 19; w95 12/1 9; w87 5/15 17
‘ruler of air’ (Eph 2:2): w87 9/15 10-11
“ruler of the demons”: w18.05 23; it-2 867
‘ruler of world’: scl 51; lff lesson 26; w18.05 23; it-2 826, 867; bhs 33, 38; w14 5/1 16; bh 31-32; w12 5/1 6-7; w11 9/1 3-9; re 187-189; g 11/06 5-6; g05 4/22 9; w04 4/15 14-15; w01 10/15 5-6; w95 7/15 3-7; w90 11/1 13-15; pe 16-18; rs 436-437; tp 120-123
failure: w10 1/15 24-28
not all authorities directly submit: w90 11/1 14-15
video Who Controls the World?: lff lesson 26
“world”: it-2 1209
“serpent” (Ge 3:14, 15): w22.07 15; it-2 866-867, 887, 898, 1010-1011; re 10, 286-295; w89 8/1 22-24; gm 151-153; w88 9/1 8; w87 12/15 11-12
head to be crushed: it-1 1050; it-2 784-785, 869; w12 9/15 7; re 14, 181, 286-288, 292-295; w04 11/15 30; w98 2/1 17-18; gm 161
strikes heel of woman’s offspring (seed): it-1 1084; re 14; w97 6/1 8-9
slanderer: scl 71; w18.01 29; w15 5/15 9; w06 1/15 21-22
Jehovah’s name: mwb24.09 3; w20.06 3-6
thief: lr 127
vicious: w15 5/15 10-12
Devil has disappeared and God himself has withdrawn to the periphery: g90 1/8 13
history beyond comprehension if we leave out demonic element: g90 1/8 13
if someone still denies Satan, meet me at a grave in Rwanda: w11 9/1 3