Thursday, January 23
I will pay my vows to Jehovah.—Ps. 116:14.
The main reason you dedicate yourself to Jehovah is that you love him. Your love is not based on emotion alone. Rather, it is rooted in “accurate knowledge” and “spiritual comprehension”—the things that you learned about Jehovah that caused your love for him to grow. (Col. 1:9) Your study of the Scriptures has convinced you (1) that Jehovah is real, (2) that the Bible is his inspired Word, and (3) that he uses his organization to accomplish his will. Those who dedicate themselves to Jehovah should know the basic teachings found in God’s Word and be living in harmony with its standards. They share their faith with others to the extent that their circumstances allow. (Matt. 28:19, 20) Their love for Jehovah has grown, and their heartfelt desire is to give him exclusive devotion. Is that not so of you? w24.03 9:6-8
Friday, January 24
They will become one flesh.—Gen. 2:24.
Abigail was married to Nabal, who the Bible says was harsh and behaved badly. (1 Sam. 25:3) It must have been difficult for Abigail to live with such a man. Could Abigail have found an easy way out of her marriage? She was given that opportunity when David, Israel’s future king, came to kill her husband for insulting him and his men. (1 Sam. 25:9-13) Abigail could have fled, allowing David to carry out his plan. Yet, she intervened and convinced David to let Nabal live. (1 Sam. 25:23-27) What could have motivated her? Abigail loved Jehovah and respected his standards for marriage. She knew that Jehovah viewed marriage as a sacred arrangement. She wanted to please God, and that would have motivated her to do whatever she could to save her household, including her husband. She acted quickly to prevent David from murdering Nabal. w24.03 11:9-10
Saturday, January 25
I would strengthen you with the words of my mouth.—Job 16:5.
Are there some in your congregation who are trying to simplify their life in order to have a greater share in theocratic activities? Do you know young ones who are bravely standing out as different from others in school, even though it is difficult for them to do so? What about those who may be struggling to remain faithful because of family opposition? Let us seize every opportunity to speak reassuringly to such dear fellow worshippers, expressing our appreciation for their self-sacrificing spirit and courage. (Philem. 4, 5, 7) Jehovah is confident that we sincerely desire to please him and that we are willing to make sacrifices to live up to our dedication vow. He dignifies us by letting us express our love for him in a personal way. (Prov. 23:15, 16) May we, then, be determined to continue serving Jehovah, willingly offering him our very best. w24.02 7:14, 16