Genesis 49:3 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 3 “Reuʹben, you are my firstborn,+ my vigor and the beginning of my generative power,+ the excellence of dignity and the excellence of strength. Deuteronomy 21:17 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 17 For he should recognize as the firstborn the hated one’s son by giving him two parts in everything he is found to have,+ because that one is the beginning of his generative power.+ The right of the firstborn’s position belongs to him.+
3 “Reuʹben, you are my firstborn,+ my vigor and the beginning of my generative power,+ the excellence of dignity and the excellence of strength.
17 For he should recognize as the firstborn the hated one’s son by giving him two parts in everything he is found to have,+ because that one is the beginning of his generative power.+ The right of the firstborn’s position belongs to him.+