Wednesday, February 12
You, O Jehovah, are good and ready to forgive.—Ps. 86:5.
The apostle Peter made a series of mistakes. First, Peter displayed overconfidence, boasting that he would prove faithful even if the other apostles abandoned Jesus. (Mark 14:27-29) Next, Peter repeatedly failed to keep on the watch. (Mark 14:32, 37-41) Then, Peter abandoned Jesus to a mob. (Mark 14:50) Finally, Peter denied knowing Jesus three times, even swearing to this lie with an oath. (Mark 14:66-71) How did Peter react when he realized the gravity of his sin? He broke down and wept bitterly. (Mark 14:72) Instead of rebuking Peter for his failings, Jesus told his friend that he would receive greater responsibilities. (John 21:15-17) Peter knew that he had sinned gravely, but he did not give up on himself. Why? Because he was convinced that his Master, Jesus, had not given up on him. What is the lesson? Jehovah wants us to be convinced of his love and forgiveness.—Rom. 8:38, 39. w24.03 18-19 ¶13-15
Thursday, February 13
Those she has killed are numerous.—Prov. 7:26.
Sexual immorality can cause shame, a sense of worthlessness, unwanted pregnancies, and broken families. Clearly, it is the course of wisdom to avoid the stupid woman’s “house.” In addition to facing spiritual death, many immoral people contract diseases that lead to a premature literal death. (Prov. 7:23) Verse 18 of Proverbs chapter 9 concludes: “Her guests are in the depths of the Grave.” Why, then, do many accept her deceptive invitation that leads to tragedy? (Prov. 9:13-18) A common trap is pornography. Some think that viewing pornography is harmless. On the contrary, pornography is harmful, degrading, and addictive. Immoral images have staying power; they are difficult to erase from the mind. What is more, pornography does not deaden wrong desires; it inflames them. (Col. 3:5; Jas. 1:14, 15) Yes, many who view pornography go on to commit immoral acts. w23.06 23 ¶10-11
Friday, February 14
It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever.—Dan. 2:44.
Even though other nations may at times challenge the Anglo-American World Power, they will not replace it. We know that because “the stone” representing God’s Kingdom will crush the feet, the part of the image that depicts the Anglo-American alliance. (Dan. 2:34, 35, 44, 45) Are you convinced that Daniel’s prophecy regarding the feet of iron and clay is true? If so, that will affect the way you live your life. You will not seek material security in a world that will soon be crushed out of existence. (Luke 12:16-21; 1 John 2:15-17) Understanding this prophecy will also help you see the importance of the preaching and teaching work. (Matt. 6:33; 28:18-20) After studying this prophecy, why not ask yourself this question, ‘Do the decisions I make show that I am convinced that God’s Kingdom will soon put an end to all human governments?’ w23.08 11 ¶13-14