Exodus 14:24 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 24 And it came about during the morning watch* that Jehovah began to look out upon the camp of the Egyptians from within the pillar of fire and cloud,+ and he went throwing the camp of the Egyptians into confusion.+ Psalm 30:5 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 5 Because being under his anger is for a moment,+Being under his goodwill is for a lifetime.+In the evening weeping may take up lodging,+ but in the morning there is a joyful cry.+ Psalm 143:8 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 8 In the morning cause me to hear your loving-kindness,*+For in you I have put my trust.+Make known to me the way in which I should walk,+For to you I have lifted up my soul.+
24 And it came about during the morning watch* that Jehovah began to look out upon the camp of the Egyptians from within the pillar of fire and cloud,+ and he went throwing the camp of the Egyptians into confusion.+
5 Because being under his anger is for a moment,+Being under his goodwill is for a lifetime.+In the evening weeping may take up lodging,+ but in the morning there is a joyful cry.+
8 In the morning cause me to hear your loving-kindness,*+For in you I have put my trust.+Make known to me the way in which I should walk,+For to you I have lifted up my soul.+