Matthew 18:21 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 21 Then Peter came up and said to him: “Lord, how many times is my brother to sin against me and am I to forgive him?+ Up to seven times?”+ Mark 11:25 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 25 And when YOU stand praying, forgive+ whatever YOU have against anyone; in order that YOUR Father who is in the heavens may also forgive YOU YOUR trespasses.”+ Luke 11:4 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures—With References 4 And forgive us our sins,+ for we ourselves also forgive everyone that is in debt+ to us; and do not bring us into temptation.’”+
21 Then Peter came up and said to him: “Lord, how many times is my brother to sin against me and am I to forgive him?+ Up to seven times?”+
25 And when YOU stand praying, forgive+ whatever YOU have against anyone; in order that YOUR Father who is in the heavens may also forgive YOU YOUR trespasses.”+
4 And forgive us our sins,+ for we ourselves also forgive everyone that is in debt+ to us; and do not bring us into temptation.’”+