Exodus 34:13 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures 13 But you are to pull down their altars, you are to shatter their sacred pillars, and their sacred poles* you are to cut down.+ Deuteronomy 16:21, 22 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures 21 “You should not plant any sort of tree as a sacred pole*+ near the altar of Jehovah your God that you make for yourself. 22 “Neither should you set up a sacred pillar for yourself,+ something Jehovah your God hates.
13 But you are to pull down their altars, you are to shatter their sacred pillars, and their sacred poles* you are to cut down.+
21 “You should not plant any sort of tree as a sacred pole*+ near the altar of Jehovah your God that you make for yourself. 22 “Neither should you set up a sacred pillar for yourself,+ something Jehovah your God hates.