To the director. Of David. A melody.
109 O God whom I praise,+ do not remain silent.
2 For the wicked and the deceitful open their mouths against me.
They speak about me with lying tongues;+
3 They surround me with hateful words,
And they attack me without cause.+
14 Let the error of his forefathers be remembered by Jehovah,+
And may the sin of his mother not be erased.
15 May Jehovah always be mindful of what they have done;
And may he cut off the memory of them from the earth.+
16 For he did not remember to show kindness,*+
But he kept pursuing the oppressed,+ poor, and brokenhearted man
To put him to death.+
17 He loved to pronounce a curse, so that is what came upon him;
He had no desire to bless, so he received no blessing.
18 He was clothed with curses as his garment.
And they were poured into his body like water,
Into his bones like oil.
20 This is the payment from Jehovah for the one who resists me+
And for those who speak evil things against me.*
Rescue me, because your loyal love is good.+
23 I am passing away like a fading shadow;
I have been shaken off like a locust.
25 I have become the object of their taunts.+
When they see me, they shake their heads.+
26 Help me, O Jehovah my God;
Save me by your loyal love.
27 May they know that this is by your hand;
That you, O Jehovah, have done it.
28 Let them pronounce a curse, but may you give a blessing.
When they rise up against me, may they be put to shame,
But let your servant rejoice.
29 Let those who resist me be clothed with humiliation;