24 “Why does the Almighty not set a time?+
Why do those who know him not see his day?*
3 They drive away the donkey of fatherless children
5 The poor forage for food like wild donkeys+ in the wilderness;
They seek food in the desert for their children.
8 They are drenched by the mountain rains;
They cling to the rocks for lack of shelter.
9 The fatherless child is snatched away from the breast;+
And the garments of the poor are taken as security for a loan,+
10 Forcing them to go about naked, without clothing,
And hungry, as they carry the sheaves of grain.
11 They toil among the terrace walls in the heat of the day;*
They tread the winepresses, yet they go thirsty.+
12 The dying keep groaning in the city;
The fatally wounded* cry for help,+
But God does not regard this as improper.*
13 There are those who rebel against light;+
They do not recognize its ways,
And they do not follow its paths.
14 The murderer rises at daybreak;
He slays the helpless and the poor,+
While at night he engages in theft.
And he covers his face.
They are strangers to the light.+
17 For morning is the same as deep darkness for them;
They are familiar with the terrors of deep darkness.
18 But they are swiftly carried away by the waters.*
Their portion of the land will be cursed.+
They will not return to their vineyards.
20 His mother* will forget him; the maggot will feast on him.
He will be remembered no more.+
And unrighteousness will be broken just like a tree.
21 He preys on the barren woman,
And mistreats the widow.
22 God* will use his strength to do away with the powerful;
Though they may rise up, they have no assurance of life.
24 They are exalted for a little while, then they are no more.+
They are brought low+ and gathered like everyone else;
They are cut off like heads of grain.
25 Now who can prove me a liar
Or refute my word?”