New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition) Ezra Outline EZRA OUTLINE OF CONTENTS 1 King Cyrus’ decree to rebuild the temple (1-4) Preparations for exiles’ return from Babylon (5-11) 2 List of exiles who returned (1-67) Temple servants (43-54) Sons of the servants of Solomon (55-57) Voluntary offerings for the temple (68-70) 3 Altar rebuilt and sacrifices offered (1-6) The temple rebuilding begins (7-9) Temple foundation laid (10-13) 4 Opposition to rebuilding the temple (1-6) Enemies send complaint to King Artaxerxes (7-16) Artaxerxes’ reply (17-22) Temple construction halted (23, 24) 5 The Jews resume temple building (1-5) Tattenai’s letter to King Darius (6-17) 6 Darius’ investigation and decree (1-12) Temple completed and inaugurated (13-18) Passover observed (19-22) 7 Ezra comes to Jerusalem (1-10) Artaxerxes’ letter to Ezra (11-26) Ezra praises Jehovah (27, 28) 8 List of those returning with Ezra (1-14) Preparations for the journey (15-30) Departure from Babylon and arrival in Jerusalem (31-36) 9 Intermarriage in Israel (1-4) Ezra’s prayer of confession (5-15) 10 Covenant to send away foreign wives (1-14) Foreign wives dismissed (15-44)