Paul Preaches at the Market in Corinth
The ancient city of Corinth sat on a narrow isthmus that connects central Greece with the southern peninsula known as the Peloponnese. Many people traveled through this neck of land as they continued their journey by land or by sea. The city had a large population made up of numerous nationalities and cultures. Paul sought a common ground with all sorts of people, in order to save as many as possible. (1Co 9:22) Paul was told in a vision that the Lord had many prospective disciples in Corinth, so the apostle stayed there for a year and a half. (Ac 18:1, 9-11) A few years later when Paul was in Ephesus, he learned that the disciples in Corinth faced serious problems. He viewed them as his beloved children, so he admonished and encouraged them by writing the spirit-inspired letter now known as 1 Corinthians.—1Co 4:14.
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