How Strong Is Your Faith?
Would you like to make it as unshakable as a sturdy rock-mass, a mountain of rock? You can by building it solidly on the truth of God’s Word and on an accurate knowledge of that truth. This means you need to read the Bible with understanding. There are two fine Bible translations that can help you.
The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures is in the language you speak today, not in the unfamiliar expressions used several hundred years ago. It is carefully translated from the most reliable Hebrew and Greek manuscripts of the Bible available. It contains the entire Bible and may be had for only $1.
The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures is a distinctive translation that contains the actual Greek language of the Christian Greek Scriptures with a word-for-word translation into English. This is valuable in helping you to gain an accurate understanding of the truth. It may be had for $2.
Please send me the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures and The Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the Greek Scriptures as well as the gift booklets “This Good News of the Kingdom” and World Government on the Shoulder of the Prince of Peace. I am enclosing $3.