Your Children Can Learn From the Great Teacher
Children listened with fascination to the things taught them by Jesus Christ because he was able to make things simple and easily understood. He taught his listeners fine moral principles and Scriptural truths. He gave them a deep appreciation_ for their Creator and a confident hope for the future.
As children in the first century benefited from his teaching, so your children can today. This is possible with the help of the fine book “Listening to the Great Teacher.”
In simple terms this impressive hard-covered book presents in forty-six short chapters and in 192 pages many of the things that Jesus taught. It is designed for you to read with your children and helps you to take a personal interest in impressing right principles on their minds.
Obtain a copy of “Listening to the Great Teacher.” Let it help in stimulating upbuilding conversation between you and your children. Let it help you in building a close and lasting tie with them. Delightfully illustrated. Send only 25c.
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“Let the young children come to me, and do not try to stop them.”—Luke 18:16.