Is Your Security as Reliable as the Weather?
A farmer can never be certain what kind of weather he will have. If the weather is just right, he can have a bountiful harvest; but if it is too dry or too wet, his crops may well be poor. A severe hailstorm might even ruin them. Is what you trust in for future security any more reliable than the weather?
Stormy events are ahead for mankind, events that will bring great and lasting changes. For security during that time you need to trust in something that is reliable and unchanging. Where can it be found? In the Holy Bible. But who really understands it? You can, with the help of the book “Things in Which It Is Impossible for God to Lie.” Order it today. Send only 50c.
Please send me “Things in Which It Is Impossible for God to Lie,” for which I enclose 50c. Send also the gift booklet “Look! I Am Making All Things New.”