The Bible Brought Results
● One of Jehovah’s witnesses in the southern part of the United States accepted the job of driving a racially integrated school bus. Her first day on the job some of the students began calling out derogatory names to others. At that she stopped the bus, took out her Bible and began to read to them Acts 17:26: ‘God made from one man every nation of men, to dwell upon the entire surface of the earth.’ After reading the text, she explained that there was ‘no need for them to start anything because all had come from that one man and hence all are one.’
This was apparently brought to the attention of the school superintendent and so he asked the Witness about the situation. When the matter was explained to him, he replied: “That is very good. We never had a bus driver do that before.”
Later, as a circuit assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses was to be held, the Witness arranged for a substitute to drive the bus. This substitute was amazed at how well behaved the students were. She commented that they were the best-behaved children she had ever driven for and asked the Witness what she had done to them.