How Much Is a Tree Worth?
Most people would determine the value of a tree by the lumber and other wood products it yields after being cut down. But, according to Professor T. M. Das of Agriculture University in Calcutta, “a medium size tree at current market rate would hardly fetch on an average more than Rs. 5,000 [$600, U.S.] which was only 0.3 per cent of its real value.” So reports India’s The Hindu. Not everyone would place the same monetary value on such things, but note the box showing the professor’s calculations as to the value of services rendered by a tree in a 50-year period of its life.
Trees generally survive for 100 to 200 years, according to the professor, and life spans of 400 to 500 years are not uncommon. So the real value of a tree can be many times more than the figure cited, which does not even include the value of timber and fruits.
Observing that many trees were simply destroyed for a nominal price, the professor “regretted that utter ignorance coupled with influx of population has made people choose short-term benefits,” says the report.
[Box on page 27]
Production of oxygen $30,000
Air-pollution control $60,000
Soil-erosion control $30,000
Recycling of water $36,000
Bird and animal shelter $30,000
Protein conversion $3,000
Total value $189,000