Can You Cry Out Joyfully?
Can you see the generosity and thoughtfulness of a loving Creator in our natural environment? Though clouds, trees, rivers, and mountains are here for reasons other than just their pleasing beauty, is it not noteworthy that they were, nevertheless, made so satisfyingly attractive to the eye? And who does not enjoy the peaceful, relaxing—yet invigorating—effect of a stroll in such surroundings? When you add to that the blessings of fresh air to breathe, the fragrance of flowers, and the songs of birds, it is not hard to agree with the declaration: “Because of the works of your hands I cry out joyfully. How great your works are, O Jehovah!”—Psalm 92:4, 5.
True, because of mankind’s selfishness and imperfection, many today are unable to enjoy all these blessings. But the time is near when God’s Kingdom government will satisfy the needs of every living creature.—Psalm 104; Luke 21:7-36.