From Our Readers
Losing Weight Thank you for the article on losing weight. (May 22, 1989) Last April, I was a 177-pound [80 kg], 58-year-old, diabetic woman with high blood pressure. I was also deeply depressed. Today I am 158 pounds [72 kg], require less insulin, and my blood pressure is excellent. The blanket of depression is gone too. I accomplished this by watching my sugar and fat intake and by walking three miles [5 km] every morning with a one pound [454g] weight on each wrist. I may look comical while walking, but I have won a few battles, and I believe I will win the war. Once again, thank you.
E. P., Canada
Lockerbie Tragedy I was concerned about your comments regarding the Bishop of Galloway in the article on the Lockerbie disaster. (July 22, 1989) In saying that he had ‘bitter words for God’ by asking, ‘Why did God let this happen?’ you are misrepresenting him.
A. W., Britain
We accurately reported the bishop’s words as quoted in “The New York Times” of December 26, 1988. Since then, however, we have received a transcript of the bishop’s sermon, and it would appear that his words were actually intended to echo the thoughts of others, not his own. Nevertheless, the bishop’s words were quoted to show that he did not give a Bible-based answer to that question, nor did he point to the Bible’s hope for the dead. (John 5:28, 29)—ED.
Cursing The article “Young People Ask . . . How Can I Resist the Urge to Curse?” arrived just in time! (September 8, 1989) With a mate who is opposed to Christianity, sometimes it’s all I can do to bridle my tongue. The thoughts of cursing have caused me to feel ashamed and unworthy of God’s love. This wonderful article gave me the guidance I need to resist the temptation to curse.
C. D., United States
Avoiding Rape The woman quoted in your article (August 22, 1989) said that she “was able to avoid being raped because of Jehovah’s help.” Does this mean that those who are raped do not have God’s help? Why would he help one person and not another?
V. R., United States
The Bible does not say that God miraculously shields his people from harm. God’s laws to Israel indicated that rape could befall faithful servants of God. (Deuteronomy 22:23-27) However, God has provided us with Scriptural direction that can work for our benefit if we apply it. And the Bible-based advice on resisting rape proved to be a protection for the woman in question. Appropriately, she thanked God for providing this helpful information.—ED.
Smoking The cover for the issue on “Death for Sale” (July 8, 1989) really caught people’s attention. I regularly visit an elderly woman who is a chain-smoker. For years she has had a subscription to Awake! but seldom reads the articles. Recently, I called on her and noticed that I could finally breathe in her home. Yes, she was trying to quit smoking. When she saw that issue, she read it from cover to cover and now wants to study the Bible and come to the Kingdom Hall. Thank you for the eye appeal of our magazines!
C. P., United States