“A One-Time Cure for Life’s Problems”
That is how one reader described the book Happiness—How to Find It. He wrote: “Having read all the book, I have found that it is timely, invaluable, orthodox and a one-time cure for life’s problems.
“The first 4 chapters are a challenge to atheists and evolutionists, the middle 12 chapters are a therapy for unhappiness and complex problems . . . the last 4 chapters are a challenge to clergymen and churchgoers.
“All those who have read the book with me can see what I have seen—the Bible is practical. The Bible is for all centuries and decades.”
This 192-page book provides the best possible advice on dealing with problems involving money, sex, family, sickness, and death.
This is part of a worldwide Bible educational work that is supported by voluntary donations.
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