From Our Readers
Eating Disorders For 15 years I have been struggling with eating disorders. Your article (December 22, 1990) was logical and loving and addressed the root cause of the problem—low self-esteem. I would like to add that it takes time to reverse the destruction of muscle tissue, loss of bone mass, and digestive and endocrine problems that can result from eating disorders. Recovery can be very frustrating and discouraging as one undergoes strange transformations in shape and size, mood swings, depression, irritability, and hot flashes. If you are aware of what recovery involves, though, you are less inclined to relapse.
L. B., United States
One-Parent Households I was moved to express appreciation for the article, “Young People Ask . . . How Can I Be Happy Living With Just One Parent?” (December 22, 1990) My mother was the head of a one-parent household, and this article brought back memories. Speaking from experience, I can say that the suggestions on conserving and avoiding waste actually work, and they have continued to benefit me as a full-time evangelizer. I will always be grateful for the excellent training Mother gave us. She always gave God credit for her success as a single parent.
J. F., United States
My father died not too long ago. I think the article came out just for me at the right time. I can see Jehovah really cares. Thanks again!
L. J., United States
Animal Research I found your July 8, 1990, issue very disturbing. The dog in the cover photo carried such a melancholy expression; he seemed to be appealing for someone to look after him.
S. P., Germany
The dog in the picture was borrowed from a local pet shop and was properly cared for and fed while in our possession. Seems that its forlorn expression just comes natural to him.—ED.
Death of a Child Thank you for the article “The Bible’s Viewpoint—‘Why Did God Take My Child?’” (February 8, 1991) The article came in the mail on the very day that my husband and I lost our first child through a miscarriage. It was a reassuring reminder to us that God is not responsible for our loss.
J. G., United States
Mongoose I enjoyed your article on mongooses. (March 8, 1991) Care should be exercised, however, in removing an exotic animal from the wild and making it a pet.
P. L., United States
A point well taken. The domestication of some species of mongoose was mentioned only to illustrate the fact that they are not innately vicious. Actually, the United States prohibits the importing of mongooses for use as pets.—ED.
Drinking and Driving I recently got my driver’s license and hence found your issue of February 8, 1991, to be interesting. The article was encouraging and yet issued a clear warning. No one would ever want to be in the situation of the young man who told of killing a man! I shall give a copy of the magazine to my driving instructor.
L. K., Germany
Your article “Victims Face Offenders” made tears roll down my cheeks. I just wish that people would not drink and drive. They would save so many lives.
K. M., United States