“They Always Give Me a Lift”
“I HAVE never written before, but I just had to thank you for all the many very poignant and pertinent articles you have published in The Watchtower and Awake!
“I have been reading these magazines since 1974, and they have been from the beginning a source of teaching, enrichment, and joy. They always give me a lift. I’m subject to depression, and if I just pick up and read an issue of either magazine, my mood improves greatly. Time after time an article has helped me deal more appropriately with others and be more understanding. They have helped me to understand myself.
“It seems that over the past year, so many articles were pertinent to me, especially the ones on ‘Women—Deserving of Respect’ [Awake! July 8, 1992] and ‘Help for Alcoholics and Their Families’ [Awake! May 22, 1992]. I just lost my mother in death, and the series entitled ‘When a Loved One Dies’ [Awake! July 22, 1992] was very helpful.
“J. A., North Carolina, U.S.A.”
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