From Our Readers
Science I am writing to congratulate you on your six-part series “Science—Mankind’s Ongoing Search for Truth.” (April 8 through June 22, 1993) Your articles were unbiased and informative. As a scientist myself, I was amazed to learn how much the Greek philosophers, namely Aristotle, Plato, and others, have influenced scientific thought.
O. O., United States
In part six of your series (June 22, 1993), you said: “The environmental devastation for which science is responsible is tremendous.” Science is not responsible for the misuse of its creation. The blame rests on governments who apply obsolete legal techniques to govern the use of technology.
C. C. R., United States
The series did not attempt to pin the sole blame for earth’s environmental problems upon scientists. Indeed, the preceding sentence clearly stated that science merely “helped create” such problems. Previous articles in the series showed that scientists must share the blame with politicians, businessmen, and consumers.—ED.
Isolated Thank you for the life story of Pepita Abernathy, “A Worthwhile Life Even Though Isolated.” (February 22, 1993) It brought tears to my eyes. I have always found it difficult to preach to friends or to work territory that gets little response. But Pepita Abernathy preached in different parts of the world even when she didn’t know the language! Now I have a different attitude toward the preaching work.
J. W., United States
Music I’ve just finished reading the series “Modern Music—Harmless Fun?” (June 8, 1993) When I was in high school, I was enthralled with heavy-metal music. My bad habits and rebellious attitude were products of the ideas portrayed in this dark, evil-sounding music. But the closer I have become to Jehovah, the more I have come to hate even the sound of that music!
L. K., United States
You have given us young ones useful advice based on up-to-date and reliable sources. Some have thought that music is acceptable as long as it cannot be classified as heavy metal or rap, even if it encourages immorality, violence, and use of drugs. These articles have refuted this wrong idea. Now we all know how to be more selective when choosing our music.
F. M., Italy
My teenage son was recently disfellowshipped from the Christian congregation. I tried my best to stop him from listening to rap music—reasoning with him, showing him Bible principles, sharing articles with him on the subject. But he continued to listen to rap in secrecy, feeling that it had no effect on him. However, he came to do many of the bad things glorified in this music. I am still reeling emotionally from my son’s fall. It is my hope that all Christian parents will show appreciation for this information by reading and studying it with their children.
G. C., United States
Not only do you show what types of music should be avoided but you back up your statements with irrefutable, yet mild and loving, reasoning. We get the feeling that your deepest desire is to help young people flee this totally corrupt world.
B. V., France