From Our Readers
Racism In your series “Will All Races Ever Be United?” (August 22, 1993), you take up the subject of racial prejudice. But why do you stop there? Isn’t it simply a part of man’s makeup to have reservations about someone who is different? Think of the prejudice between tradesmen and professionals, between city dwellers and country folk, between young and elderly. Today there is a tendency to exaggerate racial prejudice for political and other reasons.
B. G., Germany
There are other prevalent forms of prejudice, but usually they have not caused the suffering, injustice, and division that racial prejudice has caused. We therefore felt obliged to give special consideration to this timely subject.—ED.
Birdsong I finished reading the article “Birdsong—Just Another Pretty Tune?” (June 22, 1993) I was thrilled to learn that bird melodies, which some had perhaps believed to be merely pleasant sounds, actually have meaning. Thank you for publishing articles that tell us about Jehovah’s wonderful creative works.
A. P. C., Brazil
Your article told about a British scientist who noticed that several song thrushes had added the sound of a telephone to their repertoire. My wife and I had a similar experience. Last year some song thrushes built their nest near our garden bench. So as not to frighten them, we whistled the same short melody each time we approached the nest. This spring, several song thrushes were singing the melody we had whistled last year!
K. M., Germany
Abortion I am 14 years old, and your series “Abortion—The Making and the Taking of a Life” (May 22, 1993) helped me to understand even more how vital this issue is today. It stressed that though a fetus lives in a woman’s body, more than her body is affected by an abortion. The fetus is a life from the moment of conception—not a mere piece of tissue. I feel abortion should be banned.
J. R. W., United States
Although the Scriptures clearly condemn the practice of abortion, “Awake!” is nonpolitical and is not affiliated with any groups clamoring for a ban on abortion. Rather, our articles are designed to help individuals apply God’s Word in their lives.—ED.
Children Under Stress I would like to thank you so much for the series of articles “Children Under Stress—How Can They Be Helped?” (July 22, 1993) It provided useful information to help us parents understand how we might, because of inexperience or stress, create severe traumas for our children.
M. L. S., Italy
The world has become a place where even children suffer stress. I used to get depressed because of the names my parents called me when I was slow about doing things. It cut me deeply. I can see from the articles that parents mold children from the day of their birth. If I ever become a parent, I want to have empathy and to reason with my children.
N. K., Japan
The articles cut straight to my heart. I experienced abuse at the hands of my mother. The articles helped me understand why I react the way I do to certain situations and why I often feel worthless and lack self-confidence. You really helped me to trust in Jehovah. The emotional pain still hurts, but I know he has promised to wipe these bad memories from heart and mind. This gives me much comfort.
E. B., England