“They Dispelled My Doubts”
THAT is what a teenager from Mexico said about articles that he read in Awake! He wrote: “I am 17 years old, and I am in the second semester at an accounting technical high school. I like your magazines very much. I have read them for three years and even collect them.
“As I am not one of Jehovah’s Witnesses and my whole family is Catholic, I do not dare to go to the meetings. I do not get the magazines regularly, because the Witnesses do not always call at my house or when they do call, I am not at home, and my family does not take them. That is why I am writing to ask you to send me the magazines in English as well as in Spanish.
“Your articles have helped me in school, including the ones on the oil spill (September 22, 1989), the extraterrestrials (April 8, 1990), the dinosaurs (February 8, 1990), and many others. They gave me the information I needed, and they dispelled my doubts.
“I enjoy very much reading the feature in Awake! ‘Young People Ask . . . ,’ since it helps me in my everyday life and in dealings with other young people.”
If you would like a copy of Awake! mailed to your home, please write to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201, or to the appropriate address listed on page 5.