From Our Readers
Grief Thank you so, so much for the article “The Bible’s Viewpoint: Help for Your Grief.” (March 8, 1994) Recently my husband, an elder in the Christian congregation, was killed in an accident. Words cannot express the loss that our three children and I have experienced. What a blessing to read the article and to see that the feelings we are experiencing are normal!
N. S., United States
It was three years ago that my mother, and three months ago that my father, fell asleep in death. Even though the resurrection hope is sure, the separation caused by death is still painful. Your article has motivated me to focus more than ever on the Kingdom hope and to continue to serve God faithfully.
K. S., Japan
I lost my father a month ago. There are no words to express a daughter’s grief. Your article was very timely and has helped me not to give up, despite the pain I feel.
A. P. L., Brazil
Cartoons I want to thank you for the article “Are Violent TV Cartoons Harmful?” (December 8, 1993) I am eight years old and I used to watch these cartoons. But when I read your magazine, I realized that such cartoons were not good, and now I do not watch them anymore.
L. T., Italy
New Age I have just finished reading the March 8, 1994, Awake! on “The New Age—Will It Come?” I was involved in meditation groups, self-improvement, and mind dynamics in the late ’60’s and early ’70’s. I was looking for something but not finding it. Then my wife contacted Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I sat in on a study. I had found the truth! I got baptized and now have the privilege of serving as a missionary here in Ghana. Thank you for this magazine. There are many others who are likewise searching for something.
D. D., Ghana
Though the New Age movement is a broad subject, you covered its various aspects in an interesting way in so little space! I appreciate how you extracted those things associated with the New Age movement that are not necessarily unscriptural in themselves, such as health, music, and environmental concerns. The series was sensitive, yet it did not stop short of telling the clear truths people need to hear. My sister is interested in New Age philosophies, and I will send her a copy of this issue.
R. H., United States
Global Warming I am writing in response to the box “Global Warming and Malaria,” which appeared in connection with the series “A World Without Disease—Is It Possible?” (December 8, 1993) I am a scientist working in the area of ecology, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to take a position on the global warming issue with any confidence. It is true that increasing temperature could be expected to have an effect on a whole range of animal communities. But as to whether or not global warming really exists, it is much more difficult to be sure. The work that has been done stands on a very precarious statistical precipice. Some scientists even believe that raising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will actually cool the earth’s surface!
K. O., England
The global warming theory was discussed at great length in our September 8, 1989, issue, and it is true that it is somewhat controversial. Our brief item was therefore not an endorsement of this theory but a valid warning of what could occur if global warming actually is taking place.—ED.