From Our Readers
PMS I must express my sincere thanks to you for publishing the article “Premenstrual Syndrome—Myth or Reality?” (August 8, 1995) I have prayed for such an article, as I did not understand why I had such distressing feelings every month. Reading the article, I gave a sigh of relief; now I realize that my problem is not due to spiritual weakness.
Y. E., Jamaica
I have suffered from PMS for as long as I can remember, but I always dismissed it as just something I had to cope with. This article helped me to realize that PMS is a real problem, one deemed worthy of discussion.
Y. M., England
For about 12 years, my PMS has caused real distress to my child and my husband. This article explained my symptoms perfectly! What made me especially happy was the reaction of my non-Witness husband, who usually is quite critical of Awake! He showed great interest in the article and said, ‘I’m glad we have this article.’
K. O., Japan
Adultery Thank you very much for the article “The Bible’s Viewpoint: Adultery—To Forgive or Not to Forgive?” (August 8, 1995) After years of mistreatment, I obtained a Scriptural divorce from my husband. Nevertheless, some people made me feel guilty for doing so, and I had to fight this feeling for many years. I even thought Jehovah had rejected me. However, this article expressed many of my feelings, and it has greatly encouraged me.
A. K., Czech Republic
African Masks Your article “The Meaning Behind the Mask” (August 8, 1995) was most enlightening. You stated therein that true Christians would not keep such masks. But what of masks that are produced as mere souvenirs or that have never been used for religious purposes?
J. A., United States
Our article dealt specifically with masks that were made for false religious purposes. We acknowledged that “there is a big difference between masks used in worship and the replicas carved for the tourist industry.” In Western lands, such commercially produced masks may have no religious connotations at all but may generally be viewed as decorative art. Individual Christians would therefore have to make a personal decision as to whether to display such masks, keeping in mind the effect that doing so might have on the consciences of others. (1 Corinthians 10:29)—ED.
Rhinoceros I wanted to express my appreciation and admiration for your ability to make a nonessential bit of information delightful—even for someone like me who never used to read for pleasure. I just finished reading “The Animal Under Those Prized Horns.” (August 8, 1995) I usually begin reading articles like this out of a sense of duty. In the end, however, I am always amazed at how enjoyable they are to read!
J. M., United States
Story of Celeste Jones I have been reading your magazines for 17 years. After reading the experience of Celeste Jones in the article “How I Benefited From God’s Care” (June 22, 1995), I had to write and express my appreciation.
M. M., Colombia
Celeste Jones died on October 27, 1995. Before her death she received many letters from readers around the world thanking her for sharing her experience.—ED.