From Our Readers
Differences That Divide We want to express our thanks for the series “Must Differences Divide Us?” (July 8, 1996) We have been working as part of a team of international volunteers here in Mexico for about a year. Even after several months, we continued to experience difficulties adjusting, but we did not understand why. The articles helped us identify the problem as culture shock. We have taken to heart the statement that “an appreciation of other cultures can enrich our lives” and are already finding more joy in our assignment.
C. H. and J. H., Mexico
I was moved by the way this striking subject was presented and developed. Differences have indeed stirred up a lot of hatred in human history. This series will now help me to view other cultures with greater understanding. I wish everyone in the world could read these articles and change their negative views of others!
G. O., Nigeria
The articles moved me to tears. I have a friend with whom I get along most of the time. But I have always felt that there was an invisible barrier between us. I realize now that we come from very different cultures. This information will make a big difference in how I deal with her in the future.
A. F., United States
While doing research for my college thesis on anthropology, I spent several weeks in an African country. I was able to get to know many of the local Jehovah’s Witnesses and attend their meetings. It was an electrifying experience! As the article said, acquaintance with people of other cultures is enriching. I was able to forge new and meaningful friendships.
S. B., Italy
Habu I was very much impressed by the article “Habu—A Snake to Be Respected.” (July 8, 1996) It was written in such a lively manner, and the photographs were wonderful!
E. P., Ukraine
The article was informative and humorous. But one point conflicts with what I have been taught. You quoted a book that recommended sucking out the venom at the site of the bite marks. Is this really safe?
C. D., Nigeria
It appears that most medical authorities disagree with the source we quoted in our article. Indeed, some doctors feel that attempting to suck out the venom could be dangerous for the one administering aid and of little value to the snakebite victim. Doctors agree that the most important first aid is to get the bite victim to a hospital as soon as possible.—ED.
UFO’s Thank you for the article “The Bible’s Viewpoint: UFO’s—Messengers From God?” (July 8, 1996) In our area some people believe reports about extraterrestrials. Thinking that the Bible does not discuss this matter, they have doubts about the Bible. The article helped us see that Satan and the demons are trying to mislead people and that it would be unwise to believe groundless reports about extraterrestrials.
A. W., Taiwan
Tulips Thank you for the wonderful article entitled “The Tulip—A Flower With a Stormy Past.” (July 8, 1996) I found the information about its origin as well as the tips for growing tulips to be most interesting.
D. G., United States