An Educational Aid for Living
A schoolteacher in Zimbabwe, Africa, noted that at Nyatsime College, where he teaches, the subject “Education for Living” is offered. He described the family problems he had experienced and acknowledged that he had needed help in solving them.
Explaining what happened after his own marriage, he said: “Problems started almost immediately and led to our deciding to separate in November 1989.” There were also other problems. He wrote: “I am the eldest son of my mother, who was the first wife of my father. When I was in the second year of my teachers’ training program, my father died, leaving me in charge of 16 younger brothers and sisters.”
Study of the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses helped this schoolteacher solve his family problems. He and his wife are reunited and happy. He wrote: “My wife and I have learned through our hard experience that man’s efforts to solve his problems independent of God are futile.” What, though, about helping his students with their problems?
“I recommended the book Questions Young People Ask—Answers That Work to our school’s headmaster and other teachers as a suitable textbook,” he wrote. “They all agreed, and the school gave me an order for 56 books, which I have since delivered to the school.”
We believe that you too will benefit greatly from this attractively illustrated, 320-page educational aid. If you would like to receive a copy of it or would like to have a free home Bible study, please write to Watchtower, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483, or to the appropriate address on page 5.