From Our Readers
Crib Death Thank you for the item in “Watching the World” called “Smoking Linked to Crib Deaths.” (January 22, 1997) I hope that every mother will take that item to heart. I almost lost my baby boy to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) because I continued to smoke during the pregnancy. For one year after the incident, he had to wear a heart monitor every time he took a nap so that if his heart stopped, the monitor would sound. I only wish that I had known Jehovah back then. I would have stopped smoking, and perhaps both my son and I would have avoided this nightmare.
A. C. A., United States
Arthritis Sufferer I desire to express my gratitude for the experience of Luretta Maass, entitled “When I Am Weak, Then I Am Powerful.” (January 22, 1997) I am 27 years old, and I too have been suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Even though therapy relieves the pain, at times I feel a little frustrated and demoralized because my illness has forced me to quit serving as a full-time preacher. Luretta Maass’ determination to serve Jehovah, despite her illness, was stimulating. I will not let discouragement get the better of me; I want to do more in the preaching work.
A. B., Italy
My mother has suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for more than 30 years. Sad to say, the pain can hardly be eased. I am proud of my mother, since she manages to attend almost all the congregation meetings. Sitting in her wheelchair, she takes part in the Theocratic Ministry School and can still engage in the preaching work. And despite her ailments, she never complains.
S. M., Germany
Noachian Flood The article “The Bible’s Viewpoint: The Flood—Fact or Fable?” (February 8, 1997) really helped me to put that historical event into perspective. I, like many others, was taught about the Flood at a very young age. However, I never realized that the Flood account is looked upon by many as merely a bedtime story. The fact that Jesus compares the last days to the days of Noah shows that the Flood was very real.
S. M., United States
Coping With Tragedy I have been faced with many trials lately, one after another. I wrote a letter to a friend outlining some of these trials and quoted Psalm 126:5: “Those sowing seed with tears will reap even with a joyful cry.” Imagine how I felt when, right after the completion of the letter, I received the February 8, 1997, issue with the article “Sowing With Tears, Reaping With Joy,” which was based on that same scripture. Raymond Kirkup’s experience was very faith strengthening.
P. B., Jamaica
Caregiving The series “Caregiving—Meeting the Challenge” (February 8, 1997) has been of great comfort to me in what has been a most difficult time. My dear mother, who has been a faithful servant of Jehovah for many years, succumbed to a debilitating mental illness. She also has Parkinson’s disease and acute arthritis. I was saddened and shocked by her swift deterioration. As her only son, I have felt the weight of looking after her. But the wonderful article was so understanding! It came as a real gift from Jehovah. Thank you so much for this loving support.
R. H., England