‘It Was Like Eating Honey’
IN MID-1993, at Altus, Oklahoma, U.S.A., a concerned father, a first sergeant in the U.S. Air Force, prayed for guidance to help his daughter, who was having marital problems and was contemplating divorce. The following morning one of Jehovah’s Witnesses called at his door and offered him the July 8, 1993, issue of Awake!, which featured the subject “Divorce—The Door to a Happier Life?”
Although the man had never liked the Witnesses and had never listened to them before, he readily accepted and read that Awake! magazine. Later he shared scriptures and points from it with his daughter. He also read the issue of The Watchtower that had been left along with the Awake! It contained an article that prompted him to think deeply about his lifelong belief in the Trinity. He realized that his prayer for help in connection with his daughter was being answered, yet he wondered why God would use people who don’t believe in the Trinity to answer his prayers. He reasoned that surely God doesn’t use people to answer prayers if they don’t teach the truth.
He was thus prompted to telephone the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses to get some literature explaining in more detail their beliefs regarding the Trinity. The man who answered the phone was attending a meeting of Christian elders. The air force sergeant immediately went to the Kingdom Hall, where he was given the book You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth and the brochure Should You Believe in the Trinity?
That night, the man read the entire brochure. While reading it he became so excited, he said later, that he had to pause and say to himself, ‘Just slow down. This can’t be happening. This is just too good to be true.’ The brochure presented the Bible’s proof against the doctrine of the Trinity so clearly that when he read it, he explained, “it was just like eating honey.” The next evening he attended his first meeting of Jehovah’s Witnesses and was delighted with what he heard.
After his first Bible study with Jehovah’s Witnesses and a thorough discussion on the Bible’s view of smoking, he destroyed his cigarettes and never smoked again. A Bible study was held with him several times each week. Three months after reading the Trinity brochure, and after having retired from the military, he began sharing in the public preaching work with the Witnesses. Three months later he symbolized his dedication to Jehovah God and was baptized. He now serves as a full-time minister.